Maiden Grapes - Reproduction

In the decoration of gardens and gardens, there is often a girlish virgin - a liana up to 15 m high with an original carved sheet. The second name of this plant is Parthenocissus. It is often used for vertical gardening of fences, arbours, facades, and also economic buildings, the unsightly appearance of which should be hidden. The main advantage of this plant is the ability to curl any object in a short time, because for a year girlish grapes grow by 3-5 m. In addition, the gardener's love for gardeners has earned thanks to its frost-resistant properties and beautiful crimson coloring of the leaf in the autumn season. Not surprisingly, the neighbors of the site, once admiring the decorative thickets of this large vine, will certainly want to see this plant in their garden. Therefore, we will talk about how to multiply girlish grapes and share it with others.

In general, girlish grapes can be multiplied by seeds, cuttings and layers. And the last two methods are considered the most simple and effective. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

How to multiply girlish grapes cuttings?

Reproduction by cuttings is possible during the warm season - from early spring to mid-autumn. If you decide to breed parthenocisus in the spring or early summer, you will have to cut off the whip on the cuttings last year, already lignified, shoots 10-15 cm long. It is better if the cuttings have small outgrowths - then the girlish grapes take root faster. Perhaps the reproduction of maiden grapes by green cuttings, which are cut in the middle of summer. A prerequisite is the presence on them of 2-3 nodes, from which the roots will grow in the future.

The most effective way of rooting with cuttings of giril grape is the use of pots or containers with a peat-clay substrate. It is possible, of course, to lower the cuttings into a container of water, but the growth of the Parthenocisus will proceed more slowly. When planting the cuttings in the ground, it is necessary to bury the lower node and install the support. Important regular watering and the lack of drafts. Planting plants in the open ground can be carried out the next year from the middle of spring to the end of summer. As you can see, reproduction of girlish grapes with cuttings is a simple way.

Reproduction of girlish grapes by layers

Reproduction by layers is suitable for those who rarely visit the dacha. The fact is that with this method, systematic watering will not be needed. First, select a long shoot from the bush (1.5-3 m). Dig a groove depth to 3-5 cm and lay there the brood, not separating it from the main bush. To the ground, you can add a little peat, so that the new roots of the grapes will have something to grasp. Then it should be pinned to the ground in places where the stalk has nodules and leaves. Fill it with earth so that the leaves remain above the ground and pour well. The next one or two seasons will be rooted and take root, they will have new shoots. Cutting of the selection for seedlings and their subsequent transplantation is recommended at the end of summer or in autumn.

Maiden Grapes: Seed Reproduction

Girlish grapes can be planted with seeds, though it takes more time than multiplication by layers or cuttings. In autumn it is necessary to collect the seeds of the plant, clearing them of the peel and pulp. They can be planted immediately at a depth of 1-2 cm. Before planting, the seeds of the grapes are recommended to soak for a day in water. If you plant seeds in the spring, you need to stratify them, that is, hold them in the refrigerator.