Red beans

Legumes - this product is extremely useful, hearty and delicious. Due to the high protein content, meals from them do not leave the table during a fast or diet. Special love is enjoyed by beans , which are grown in various species. And one of the most favorite in many cultures is the red bean.

How useful red beans?

Red beans, in contrast to white , are valued, in the first place, not only for the high content of digestible protein, but also for the considerable content of vitamins. Especially a lot of vitamins of group B, in particular В6, В1б В2. Rich in beans and fiber. Speaking about the differences between white and red beans, we can not help mentioning the content of the last trace elements (potassium, copper and zinc). Thanks to this red bean favorably affects the cardiovascular and urinary systems. True, it is believed that this type of legumes has a high toxicity, which is eliminated by cooking at high temperature. Not surprisingly, with such "virtues" red beans want to grow a large number of owners of cottages and gardens.

Varieties of red beans

Speaking of red beans, we do not mean only one kind of this representative. In fact, there are many of them, each variety has its own shortcomings and advantages:

  1. Variety of red beans "Korolado" was grown initially in the hot conditions of South America, as well as in the fields of Bulgaria. Beans are distinguished by their oblong form and red-brown color.
  2. A beautiful color has early-ripening variety of red beans "Skorospelka" , in which the ripening of the first pods occurs on the 55-60 day. Beans, which have a beautiful oblong shape and length up to 1.5-2 cm, are pinkish-red in small areas of white-beige impregnations. There is a modification of the variety - "Royal Skorospelka", whose beans are slightly larger and evenly covered with patches on the surface.
  3. Variety "Tashkent" is grown mainly in the fields of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. Although in the preliminary seeding of seedlings, the cultivation of such beans is possible in the middle band. The beans of this bean, which have a purple-pink color, are quite large - reach a length of 1.5 cm.
  4. Appetizing beans look like "Medium Red" . Having an average value (about 1 cm), they, being a red-brown color, are almost round in shape. Appreciate the excellent dietary properties - their calorific value is only 102 kcal per 100 g.
  5. To conserve and prepare traditional Georgian dishes, tomato beans are used, whose beans are oblong and flattened for their beautiful brown color.
  6. If you like to prepare dishes from red small beans, pay attention to "Azuki" . From this sweet variety in Asian countries, a delicious paste is prepared, which is then used for cooking desserts, sweets and soups.
  7. Small beans (up to 1 cm) have "Ethiopian" beans with dark-red oval beans.
  8. There are lovers and varieties of "Kidney" . Beans dark red beans, very popular in India, Spain, the United States, have a recognizable reniform form. After cooking, the peel becomes very thin, and the color changes to light red. This bean is excellent for making soups, stewing, chili, mashed potatoes and salads, besides it has low caloric value, which is appreciated by people watching the figure - only 93 calories.

The varieties described above are the pods representatives of the agrarian culture. Interestingly, in landscape design, there is often a bright winding fiery red bean. This is an annual plant, which is prized, first of all, for its decorative: on the branched stem like the lianas, with complex leaves, from June to September, the scarlet brushes of 8-15 flowers bloom.