Development of physical qualities

A great role for human health is played by the development of physical qualities. These include muscle strength, speed, endurance , flexibility and agility. Their dynamic change is considered an improvement in the physical strength of man.

Methods of development of physical qualities

There are several ways to develop your strength and skills:

  1. Even . It implies continuous work in a period of a certain period of time with the same speed.
  2. The variable . The main difference from the first is that exercises need to be performed with varying intensity.
  3. Repeated . The development of basic physical qualities by this method implies the performance of the same exercises with specific intervals between them.
  4. Competitive . This method implies that training is conducted with a certain rivalry.
  5. Game . This method is perfect for children, as the development of physical qualities takes place during the game.
  6. The circular . This option implies the fulfillment of a certain set of exercises by circles without breaks.

The development of physical qualities of a person makes it possible to develop strength and skills in different directions. Everyone should choose for themselves a more suitable option of classes, which will give the desired result.

Basic rules for the development of physical qualities:

  1. To develop strength you need to choose exercises with additional load. Start with a light weight and gradually increase it to achieve the desired result.
  2. If you want to work on speed then for training you should choose simple exercises that you can do a lot of repetitions.
  3. To develop endurance, choose exercises that involve almost all muscles. Such exercises will lead to maximum work of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
  4. For the development of dexterity there are exercises that allow you to quickly switch attention.
  5. If your goal is flexibility, then the exercises should be performed in series with a gradually increasing amplitude.