Hyonodox - planting and care

Hyonodox is a low flower plant of the lily family. Another name for the flower is a snow-white beauty or a snowman, due to the fact that the hionodox is a primrose and it blossoms in the early spring, when the snow melts.

The roots of the juicy-green leaves of the plant have a lanceolate shape and bloom together with the peduncles. The flowers of the Hionodox, similar to large open bells, have a delicate white, blue, pink or lilac color. Plant flowers are single or collected in a brush. Today, the Hionodox is rarely found in the gardens of the temperate climatic belt, although it feels great there and is a real decoration of alpine hills , rockeries , flowerbeds with perennials in April-May, when one can not boast of a variety of flowers in the gardens. No doubt, many flower growers would like to decorate their suburban area with plantings of Hoonodox, just not everyone knows how the cultivation of Hoonodox is carried out.

Hionodox: Growing and Care

In fact, the fragile and tender Hionodox is unpretentious. Planting flowers and caring for them does not require a significant investment of time and labor.

Reproduction of Hoonodox

The ornamental plant multiplies by seeds and daughter bulbs. Planting bulbs, children produce in autumn at a depth of 5 - 8 cm, observing the distance between them at least 5 cm. It is also better to sow seeds for the winter, but the young plants will bloom only after 3 to 4 years. Some species of Hoonodox give self-seeding. In this case, with each generation there is an increasing degeneration of the cultural plant, and after several years, the flowers completely lose their decorative and beauty. For this reason, experienced gardeners eradicate self-sowing.

Choosing a location for Hoonodox

The plant is depressed by a dense shadow, therefore, it should not be planted under trees. Otherwise, the choice of a landing site is not limited. Hionodox blossoms beautifully both in sunlit areas and in the penumbra. Choosing a site on which the snow melts quickly, you will get early flowering. Placed in the penumbra Hionodox bloom somewhat later. When planting a plant, a wide drainage layer should be created, and the soil should be enriched with humus. It is noteworthy that in the course of several years, HONODOXES can grow on one site without transplantation.

Care for Hionodox

With the onset of the first warm days, the hyonodoxes germinate, which during this period of time need fertilizing, mainly nitrogen fertilizers. To prevent a burn of the plant, the fertilizer should be spilled gently between the sprouts. After this, it is necessary to loosen the soil surface in order to create a full water and air supply to the root system of the Hoonodox.

For the winter, the Hoonodox is not sheltered, and over time it can expand in breadth over the site.

Dismantle of Hoonodox

Very appealing compositions look Hionodox with other small-mouthed kinds of flowers (for example, with crocuses, narcissuses). For the further forcing out, the healthy hyonodox bulbs in the beginning of autumn are planted in a flower pot in the amount of 5 to 6 pieces, dropping them to a depth of 3 cm. The pot is placed in the shade outdoors, and then placed in the basement (or in the refrigerator) in November. In the middle of January, pots with bulbs are exposed to a light window in a cool room, and after a while green arrows appear. By the end of February - beginning of March the plant blooms. After the Hionodox has blossomed, the leaves are allowed to dry out, and the bulbs are kept in a cool dry place in order to use them later in planting.