Beans - planting and care in the open ground, secrets of cultivation

A big role for mankind is beans, planting and care in the open ground of unpretentious plants - an excellent opportunity to make stocks of high-calorie foods, not inferior in value to meat delicacies. Cultivation of this culture is a useful activity, getting delicious beans, you simultaneously saturate the garden with nitrogen compounds.

How to prepare beans for planting?

Virtually all legumes love light and fertile soils with a neutral or slightly acid reaction. On lands with a large percentage of clay and shallow groundwater, these plants grow poorly. Poor soils are fertilized with nitrogen-potassium phosphate preparations, but in this case it is desirable to exercise caution. Excess nitrogen causes the growth of green mass to the detriment of the crop. Beginners are asked by questions, whether it is necessary to soak the beans before planting, which beans are not suitable for sowing, so we will list the main stages of the preparatory work.

Preparation of beans for planting:

  1. For seeding, beans damaged by grinders, non-standard seeds for a given variety, and diseased material are not suitable.
  2. Soaking the beans before planting and leaving in the open ground, we greatly accelerate the appearance of germs. Beans are placed in melt water for one night (up to 15 hours).
  3. On the eve of sowing, you can process beans with microfertilizers and boric acid. Take 2 g of ammonium molybdate and 2 g of boric acid, dissolve them in a bucket of water and heat the liquid to a temperature of 40 ° C. In the received preparation we immerse seeds for 5 minutes on the eve of planting. What is good about the beans prepared in this composition is the planting and care of the treated beans in the open ground helps against pests and increases the survival rate of the sprouts.

Planting beans in the open ground

Varieties of this culture are divided into curly and bush, depending on this, planting beans in spring in the open ground and care for the plant may be slightly different. Shrub forms grow to 0.4-0.6 m in height. They are suitable for a mechanized method of cultivation, unpretentious. Curly varieties of growth force resemble grapes, whips they grow more than 2 m and require a garter on the trellis. Giant Vigna beans are huge in size, and pods up to 50 cm long grow on its 5-meter-high bushes.

Planting beans in the open ground with seeds

In the case, how to plant the beans in the open ground with seeds, you need to take into account the low frost resistance of this plant. Sprouts from him appear on the fifth day and small frosts can destroy the fruits of painstaking work. The optimum temperature for growth is from 20 ° C to 25 ° C. What has a bad effect on beans - planting and care in the open ground in cold weather, with the threat of cooling it is desirable to cover the gentle shoots with agrofiber. Immediately after laying seeds in the bed, the earth is compacted with heavy garden rollers to preserve moisture and improve germination.

Planting seedlings of beans into the open ground

This method is used in the northern regions and for the cultivation of late varieties, the correct planting of beans in a seedling method helps to obtain early crop yields. Sowing is done by swollen beans after soaking in pots 30 days before the planned planting time in the open ground. At the time of sprouting, the seedlings are kept in the greenhouses at 23-25 ​​° C, before they are planted on the beds, the temperature is reduced to 16 ° C. In the open ground we transfer the entrenched shoots after the onset of stable heat, placing them in the soil 3cm below what they were in pots.

Depth of bean plantation

Listing the basic rules for planting beans, you can not miss such an important factor as the depth of beans stuck in the soil. It can depend on the structure and humidity of the earth on the bed, weather conditions. The best option is planting bean seeds at a depth of 4-5 cm. If the spring is hot and the soil is dry, then the seed distance to the soil surface is increased to about 7 cm.

Planting distance of beans

There are several ways to plant beans in open ground. Tall bushes are often located near the fence, near the walls, near trees and high garden crops. In the nests lay up to 5-7 beans, in the absence of natural supports for tying plants build a trellis or clog the stakes. On large beds low-growing varieties of beans are grown in rows. Between the bushes when planting in the open ground leave up to 30 cm of space, between the rows we can maintain a distance of up to 40 cm.

The terms of planting the beans in the open ground

Young shoots of beans die in the case of frosts minus 1 ° C, and shrubs with immature pods can tolerate early autumn frosts up to 4 ° C. In the matter of planting beans in open ground, one should not allow rush. Heat-loving plant gardeners are sown after passing the threat of spring cold. For different regions this time is not the same, so we are guided by the weather forecast and local conditions. In Ukraine and in the southern regions of Russia, sowing works are made from the end of April to the first half of May.

Care of beans

There is no great difficulty in caring for beans, all the characteristics of growing are reduced to timely removal of weeds, loosening of soil, watering and fertilizing plants. If desired, it is possible to stimulate the branching of the bushes, pinching the tips of the stem. The hilling makes the bean bush stable, helps to retain moisture. The first loosening of the soil is performed when the sprouts reach a height of 1 cm, we produce in total up to 6 loosens per season until the rows close completely.

Top-dressing of beans in open ground

In a serious question, how to grow beans in the open field, you need to be careful about feeding. Excess nitrogen in the care leads to a strong growth of foliage and a decrease in the formation of pods. In the fall, the compost is spread on the beds together with potassium-phosphoric preparations. In spring, fertilizers can not be introduced later than 14 days before planting. On a square meter the beds are given up to 8 kg of compost, 20 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium fertilizers. When buds appear, add up to 40 g of superphosphate and up to 15 g of potassium salt. During the ripening of the pods, you can confine yourself to topping with wood ash.

Growing of beans in open ground - watering

For the yield of beans, growing conditions play a big role, overmoistening leads to the growth of leaves, and in drought drops the ovary. In the heat until the appearance of the first buds, the beds are moistened with moderate doses once a week. The amount of liquid depends on the weather and the structure of the soil, enough up to 20 l / m 2 per week. Approximately 7 days before flowering, watering is stopped, except for prolonged, sultry weather. After the appearance of the first pods, we water the planting of the beans in the open ground with a lower frequency, not allowing the complete drying of the beds in the care.

Diseases and pests of beans

This culture has a number of pests and diseases that can significantly reduce the yield of beans. Bean diseases and timely control of them are an important task for every vegetable grower. At yellowing of leaf plates, the appearance of incomprehensible spots, the presence of damaged beans, we can talk about infection of the site with fungi or harmful insects. It is necessary to single out several main threats, which should be given the main attention when growing on the open ground:

  1. Anthracnose. The disease causes the formation of rounded spots of depressed form, thin brown veins, yellowing and death of the leaves. The pods change shape, are covered with a dirty plaque, ulcers.
  2. Viral mosaic of beans. The infection of aphids carries, the leaves with the disease change color, become variegated, wrinkled. When harvested with mosaic beans, when growing in the open ground, it grows poorly, lags behind its neighbors, the productivity of bushes decreases.
  3. White rot of beans. When the disease is observed softening of stems and leaves, a change in their color. Affected plants rot and die.
  4. Powdery mildew of beans. In outdoor care, this dangerous infection is often found, which leads to the death of a large percentage of plantings. In the beginning a white coating is formed, then the green mass turns yellow and dries.

Prevention and protection against bean diseases:

The most dangerous pests of beans are grains, sprouts and slugs. When planting, inspect the grain, excluding the sowing of the infected material. In the care of insects use the treatment of beds "Decis", "Metaphos", other insecticides . If slugs are found, the ground is sprinkled with ashes or superphosphate, mulch leaves and nettle shoots scare off the pest. You can install baits in the form of dug plastic bottles filled with beer, regularly emptying them from drowned insects.