Makeup nurse for brunettes

Naturalness and naturalness have long been popular much more than brashness and shock. Therefore, color nude has long been actively used in clothing, accessories and cosmetics. And if in the wardrobe bright style constantly competes with natural, then the most fashionable make-up today - nude look. Best of all, this natural make-up suits those who own dark hair and brunettes.

How to make makeup nudes?

Considering that naturalness does not have bright colors and color shades in general, and in general makeup nudes are almost complete absence of decorative cosmetics, the main attention should be paid to the skin. The face should be smooth, smooth and of one shade. And when doing makeup for brunettes, you need to pay special attention to the skin of the face, because any error will be more noticeable in contrast to dark hair than with light ones. Use a quality tonic for skin degreasing, apply a moisturizing day cream and choose a foundation for the make-up of a solid shade. After doing this procedure, your skin will not shine, but will become dull and even.

Then pay attention to the eyebrows. Give them a neat shape and, if necessary, slightly correct with a pencil. Then go to the eyes. Eye makeup in the nude style is ideally the use of mascara or false eyelashes. But you can also bring a little upper eyelid, giving expression expressive eyes. In makeup, nude for brown eyes is allowed to use light shadows in the brown scale. Doing a make-up on the way out, you can add a little sparkles to your eyelids or use golden shadows.

Apply on the cheeks blush, the color of the tan, thus giving a natural blush. In the end, make up your lips with peach or beige lipstick or use lip gloss.

The light floral scent of your favorite perfume will be an excellent end to the image in the nude style.