Pickled Garlic

Than useful garlic we all know a long time, but often we give it up for one reason: a sharp unpleasant odor, which is difficult to get rid of. There is an excellent solution: marinated garlic heads - the recipe is simple and does not require special skills in cooking. Now we'll find out.

How to cook marinated garlic?


Of these ingredients, in these ratios, a brine is prepared. Pepper, bay leaf, dill and other herbs can be added to taste - to whom that is more like. The quantity of garlic here is - what is called, "how much it will fit in".

In general, every housewife has her own recipe, how to pickle garlic heads, you can always experiment with various flavor additives and choose exactly that option that will become your "branded" one. If someone starts to teach you how to pickle garlic according to recipes that differ from yours, for example, the amount of pepper, remember that the only criterion of "correctness" is when the guests ask for supplements. The main thing in the marinade is to observe the proportions of water and vinegar.


There are several options for how to make pickled garlic, now we will consider it - classic. First of all, let's take care of garlic: we need to take whole heads, on which there are no damages and stains of rot, and remove the upper skin. Now we prepare marinade - for this all components, except vinegar, are thoroughly mixed. The only difficulty in how to make pickled garlic, is the speed of work: best if you can simultaneously monitor the brine and garlic. The fact that for the preparation of marinade mixture should be heated to a boil, but do not boil, and immediately remove from heat and pour vinegar. While the mixture is warming, it is necessary to hold the heads of garlic in boiling water for about 3 minutes, and then quickly to cool them with cold water, put them in a jar and pour the marinade that has just been removed from the fire. Nothing complicated, except that a little skill is required, then you will get a truly delicious marinated garlic.

As you can see, the recipe for pickled garlic is available to everyone. To ensure that the vegetable is soaked with brine thoroughly, the jar with the billet should be left for 3-5 days in a dark place. There may be a second question - blanks for the entire period of cold weather. How to pickle garlic for the winter, we'll see.

Getting ready for the cold

What is the difference between blanks for a long storage period and a product intended for use in the near future? That's right, the expiration date. To extend it, you need to get rid of germs. The marinade already contains vinegar and salt, which contribute to the long-term storage of food, so that only the external environment can be a threat. Therefore, for the preparation of pickled garlic for the winter, it is required to boil the cans in which the garlic will be placed for several minutes and make sure that the lids are very tight. A portion of vinegar can be increased by one to two tablespoons, especially if you like spicy. Some mistresses use for simple isolation a simple trick: A small amount of vegetable oil is poured onto the surface of the marinade in a ready-to-twist can. Oil creates a film, preventing the penetration of oxygen. So your pickled garlic will be preserved until the very spring.

Well, and finally, we give a table of nutrient content per 100 g of product: