Chicory for weight loss

In nature, chicory is a delicate blue flower with an amazing root, which is actively used both in homeopathy and in official medicine. What is the use of chicory? They treat diseases of the kidneys, liver, central nervous system. It is chicory that is the most popular substitute for coffee - and most importantly, it also invigorates in the morning. However, for many women, the more relevant is the question of whether chicory helps to lose weight.

Does chicory help lose weight?

Chicory in losing weight is really capable of playing an important role. The fact is that the drink obtained from the decoction of its root actively disperses the metabolism, which allows the body to more easily cope with food and expend energy, rather than postpone it "for the future" in the form of folds at the waist and centimeters on the hips.

Chicory is really an excellent drink for weight loss, as its composition is as much as 60% represented by a very important substance for the human body - inulin. It is this substance that is used in the treatment of diabetes to lower blood sugar levels. And the lower it is, the less you feel hunger, less often you overeat and soon you get a thin mill!

It is important to correctly use chicory in a diet: only the roots have these properties. But if you mistakenly use the flowers of chicory, you will notice that your appetite, on the contrary, has increased.

Chicory: benefits and contraindications

Chicory for weight loss often leads to pleasant "side effects" - a person becomes more calm, restrained, but at the same time, cheerful and in good spirits. In addition, it can be used as a choleretic and diuretic. However, if you have a disease from the list below, you should abstain from eating chicory:

If you have contraindications - soluble chicory for weight loss is not for you. Do not worry, you probably can find for yourself another means, no less tasty and no less useful - because nature has endowed a person with hundreds of options for healing.

Chicory: diet

Chicory for weight loss is very easy to use. All that is required of you is before eating, for 20-30 minutes, to drink half a glass of this tasty and healthy drink. In this case, you can use both a soluble option and a natural decoction - choose the one that suits you best.

The broth is prepared very simply: put a couple of rootlets in a saucepan with two glasses of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. After this, let the broth cool down, remove the roots or strain it - and the drink is ready for use!

Do not think that these 1.5 glasses of chicory per day will do all the work for you. If you continue to eat wrong, stick to cookies, sweets and cakes, add a sandwich with sausage and mayonnaise to each dinner - there will not be any benefit. It is important to further reduce the caloric content of the diet, giving up heavy sweets, smoked foods, canned goods, fast food and sugary drinks. In this case, you will quickly acquire a new, beautiful form.

In addition, the effect will be much stronger if you add at least 30-60 minutes on foot to your daily routine. It's so simple: walk on foot to the nearest store or go to a stop earlier! But losing weight will move more confident steps.