Ficus Benjamin - crown formation

Ficus Benjamin - a truly unique plant, and therefore love its florists. Variegated or emerald green foliage will not leave indifferent any lover of wildlife. But the main value of the ficus in the possibility of shaping the crown to your liking. That is, the plant can be given any bizarre and unusual appearance.

It is best to form the crown of the fig tree of Benjamin to be engaged in a young plant, when the shoots actively grow and the kidneys on the side branches are easily awakened. And if the florist wants to form a trunk in addition to the crown, then it is better than on a young plant that will not work.

With the help of the formation of the Benjamin ficus, you can make a bonsai , a stamping tree or an arc. In order to implement the conceived, it is necessary to understand the principles by which the lush crown of various forms grows. Of course, the ficus is beautiful and the way nature intended it, but it's interesting to see what happens if you try to give the crown an unusual look and shape.

Formation of the ficus of Benjamin

Ficus has two types of kidneys - apical (basic) and axillary (lateral). The main ones are located at the very edge of the branch and grow more actively than the lateral ones, which often are in a dormant state. A bush can not be lush if its branches grow in length, rather than in volume.

To wake and induce the growth of twigs from the axillary buds that are located at the base of the leaves, it is necessary to remove the apical buds as soon as the twig reaches the desired length. This procedure allows you to wake up the lateral kidneys, which actively begin to grow after this. The old plant will not have such massive growth, since the kidneys are reluctant to wake up even after such stimulation.

The main shoot starts to pinch when it reaches a height of 15 cm, so that it has 3 to 5 leaves. Side shoots are plucked when they reach 10 cm, so that the kidney looks outward, in the opposite direction from the crown.

It is desirable to trim and form the fig tree of Benjamin in the spring, when the growth processes are activated and activated in the plant after the winter rest. At this time, due to intensive lighting, all lateral shoots develop evenly, the plant turns out to be more magnificent than in autumn-winter pruning.

In the autumn, when all the plants stop intensive growth and go to rest, it is highly undesirable to trim. The buds wake up unevenly and may not grow at all. In addition, poor lighting can lead to a distortion of the plant, and it will grow one-sided.

Technique for pruning shoots

For thin and thick twigs, your method of pruning - for thin cut in a straight line, and for old and thick - obliquely. Up the cut is above the level of the kidney, and the bottom is just at its base. It is impossible to leave hemp, so that there is no decay due to the development of the remainder of pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition, uncovered parts of the branch are very noticeable and disturb the decorativeness of the bush. After pruning dry, wipe the cut, until the stop of the milky juice, after which it is sprinkled wood ash.

Formation of the trunk of the ficus of Benjamin

In addition to the beautifully formed crown, the plant attracts attention also with an unusual kind of trunk. If the ficus grows alone, then the trunk can be braided around the support, and after a time (2-3 years), remove it and get an interesting spiral shape of the trunk.

Of several plants, the number of which is limited only by the size of the vase, it is possible to weave braids, lattices and other incredible compositions, but this will take a long time.