Medinilla - home care

Medinilla is an evergreen plant of the melastom family, which conquers with its refinement and beauty. Perhaps that's why botanists called it "beautiful". During flowering the medina is an excellent sight: the elegantly dangling inflorescence consists of several tiers of large pale pink leaves, on which there are many pink small flowers.

Content temperature

Care of the flower medinilla must be carried out with the account that his homeland is the Philippines. Therefore, for him, as for all tropical plants, the most favorable conditions for growth are warm moist air and good lighting, but at the same time avoid direct sunlight. The room temperature should be 22-25 ° C. In winter the plant enters a state of rest. Also in this period, flower buds are laid, so the temperature should be lower - about 15 ° C.


In order to create good conditions for the growth of medinyl, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture. If you allow the drying of the soil, the plant will take off the leaves and, possibly, the inflorescence will be lost. Therefore, carefully monitor the moisture content of the substrate. To facilitate the care of the plant can be with a little trick: put a pot of medinyl on a pallet with a wet pebble, which will ensure the continuous evaporation of water.

The soil

It is very important to choose the right soil for medinyls. For good growth, the plant does not need much soil, but it is important that it is well drained. If you have chosen a substrate with clay granulate, then the soil will perfectly hold moisture, which means that the necessary conditions for a tropical plant will be created. Also, if you have chosen a drained soil, then you do not need to install a flower pot on a pallet with pebbles.

Fertilizer and transplantation

Fertilize medinyl is exclusively in the period of activity, that is, from spring to autumn. In this case, for fertilizing, you can use only two types of fertilizers :

The latter need to spray the leaves of the plant. But you only need to do this several times during the summer. Otherwise, you overdo it with fertilizers, and they can damage the exquisite medinilla.

The medinyls must be transplanted immediately after flowering. Transplant tubers are necessary as well as other tropical plants.

If you create good conditions for the life of the plant, then every year it will please you with its beautiful flowering, and the medina can fully reproduce.