Weed remedy "Tornado"

Western and European practice of cultivating cultivated plantations with herbicides has long been enough for many farmers to replace the tedious daily weeding of the garden with weeds . And really, what could be simpler? In the morning he sprinkled it, and a week later he cleaned the dried tops of the "enemies of the garden", that's all the trouble. And contrary to the opinion of the advocates of biologics, modern herbicides are completely harmless to humans and soil, if everything is done correctly. In this article, we will tell you about a really effective means of weed "Tornado", which due to its low price and efficiency has earned the recognition of gardeners and truck farmers.

How it works?

The control of weeds using the Tornado herbicide is that unwanted plants are sprayed with the diluted drug. At the same time, spraying should be done carefully, so that the drops of the drug do not fall on the stems of cultural plantings. When weed on the active substance herbicide (in this particular case, glyphosate acid) penetrates the plant, and then kills its root system. This process can take depending on the type of weeds processed from 7 to 12 days. On the basis of the results of processing, the result will be one - all the plants will die on the treated site, some of them earlier, others a little later.

When using Tornado from weeds, it should be taken into account that the presented herbicide has a continuous action, that is, it does not "distinguish" useful plants from pests, and destroys all vegetation in the area where it was applied. Residual products of this herbicide completely disintegrate in the soil for 30 days, and planting of cultural plantations is allowed only after 2-3 hours after treatment. After reading this section, you can understand that the drug "Tornado" from weeds is much more effective than even the most advanced cultivator!

Practical use

After acquaintance with the general section, we offer the reader's attention information on how to use the herbicide "Tornado" correctly from weeds. To begin with, it should be understood that for glyphosate acid, the active ingredient of the preparation, there are practically no overwhelming tasks! This substance is guaranteed to destroy more than 130 species of weeds, among which there are those that are beyond the power of other drugs.

In the early stages of development of unwanted plants, it will be enough to add 25 grams of the drug to three liters of water to destroy them. If you handle tall plants, you will need to add 50 grams of herbicide per three liters of water. But for the treatment of particularly annoying perennial pests or cherry bushes, it may take from 100 to 120 grams of substance diluted in three liters of water.

It is important to remember a few simple rules, the observance of which can multiply the effect of the sprayed weeds.

  1. The treatment is best done until 9-10 am, while the sun is still low, so the drug will stay on the plant longer, and therefore absorb it more.
  2. Do not carry out any treatment at all if there are prerequisites for rain in the morning. Also, for obvious reasons, it is not recommended to spray in windy weather. In this case, there is a danger that the substance can get on the skin of the gardener or on the crop plants, which, like the weed, are susceptible to the action of the Tornado.
  3. Excellent effect and profitability can be achieved if the admixture is mixed in the solution, in this capacity, the "Macho" preparation can serve. This substance will keep the herbicide particles on the plant, create a "foundation" for the application of the next layer as needed.

The most important thing that a gardener should never forget when working with garden chemistry is the rules of individual security. Do not plan spraying unless you have goggles, gloves and a respirator!