Toys for puppies

The growing puppy can be compared with a small child, constantly demanding attention. Left alone, he will certainly find entertainment among the objects of everyday life that will catch his eye. To slippers and pieces of furniture remained intact, dog breeders recommend to accustom the baby to independence. To help us come toy manufacturers for puppies, the best of which can be without harm to health nibble and ruffle, chew and use for games, chasing them around the apartment.

What toys do puppies need?

The toy must necessarily correspond to the age of the dog and its size. After all, a large baby will easily swallow a small object, and a small one can not fit a large piece of clothing into his mouth. For a joint pastime, all kinds of plates, disks and other toys for anport that will help to develop and maintain muscle tonus are suitable. In order not to accustom a dog to take dirty objects in his mouth, it's better to play outdoors in the dry weather. She is sure to like the neck or rope, which you can play yourself or with the owner. These items are great for training, but use them better after changing teeth.

Dogs at any age are delighted with chewing sticks, chains and rings made from multicolored, durable and flexible polyester, rubber, textiles or rubber. Many of them, during fun, freshen breath and massage the gums. Outwardly they resemble ordinary crafts for children. The main thing is that the pet can not bite off pieces of them, which, without hesitation, will eat. In a special way you need to approach the selection of balls. It should fit comfortably in the mouth, but be large enough to be swallowed.

Rarely, what kind of owner does not buy soft toys for puppies. It is preferable to prefer products made of short-haired material, having previously examined the strength of seams and fabrics. Some of them have a filler, which when heated replaces the heater with a heating pad.

Every dog ​​has its own favorite toy. If you see that she is bored, replace her with a new one. Periodic replacements renew interest in old things, provided they are not too many.