Cloth for tablecloth

Among the huge selection of fabrics for sewing table linen, sometimes it is not easy to stop at something specific. But the right choice is the guarantee of a long service of the finished product, its beauty and behavior during use.

What fabric to choose for tablecloth on the table?

So, from which fabric to sew a tablecloth - natural, synthetic or mixed? In addition, there are fabrics treated with water-repellent and dirt-repellent impregnations, which saves considerable time and effort on the care of tablecloths, which is especially important in professional use, that is, in restaurants, cafes, etc.

Also, there are fabrics for a tablecloth with impregnation (the so-called Teflon coating), which protects from temperature effects.

Of natural fabrics for tablecloths, flax and cotton are used. Linen fabrics for tablecloths are strong enough, but are subject to considerable shrinkage. And cotton soon burnt out in the sun.

In the composition of mixed fabrics for tablecloths there is polyester, occupying about half of the total composition. The second half is cotton. Such tablecloths are almost not subject to shrinkage, easily washable and generally well behaved during operation.

Synthetic fabrics are entirely made of polyester. They do not absorb moisture at all, that is, such cloth for a tablecloth, in fact, is water repellent . Minus - in the rapid burnout of synthetic products.

When choosing cloth for tablecloth, you should also pay attention to its coloring. A festive tablecloth is usually white. This color is always associated with elegance and solemnity. But for frequent use of tablecloths, variegated colors are preferable, which will hide small defects and specks on the table. If they appear, they will not be so noticeable, and the tablecloth will not be subject to frequent washing.