
Milium, the patronymic are the names of whiteheads that appear as a result of blockage of the sebaceous ducts by the products of vital activity. Allocations of the sebaceous glands, dead microscopic scales of the skin and sweat clog the duct, gradually protrude and begin to shine through the upper layer of the epidermis. This kind of skin disease does not cause any unpleasant sensations, but is a noticeable cosmetic defect.

Localization of whiteheads

Miliums are often single rashes, but sometimes they can form places of congestion. Whiteheads are mainly located on the face, in the area of ​​the cheeks, eyes and chin. But with a hereditary predisposition, their appearance can also be seen on the shoulders, arms and thighs.

Sediment treatment

At home, treatment and getting rid of whiteheads can be done in several ways.

Method number 1:

  1. Before the procedure begins, you need to steam out your face, which will expand the pores. You can do this with a vaporizer or by making a steam bath with herbs. Calendula , chamomile, sage for this purpose.
  2. Then, with a needle, previously disinfected with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, pierce the skin above the eel.
  3. Wrap the index fingers with a cotton disc or bandage and gently squeeze out the contents. Do this by gentle movements to avoid traumatizing the skin.
  4. After removing the milium place should be wiped with lotion or tea tree oil.

Method number 2:

  1. This method will take more time. Before starting the procedure, you should cleanse your face thoroughly, after washing with soap.
  2. A few days, in the evening and in the morning, lubricate the place of formation of the patch with iodine, camphor alcohol, cologne or salicylic alcohol. This will lead to drying of the upper layers and after a few days this cork will come out itself through the microcrack.

Method number 3:

  1. The same effect of peeling has a mask from the bodyagi. For its preparation, ground grass and 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide are used.
  2. These ingredients are mixed until a slurry is obtained and applied to the face.
  3. Soak for 20 minutes and wash off the mask.
  4. After it, the skin can begin to peel, and whiteheads decrease and eventually disappear.
  5. To avoid unwanted skin reactions, it is recommended that Test a small amount of this mixture on the inside of the hand.

Professional treatment of whiteheads

How to effectively get rid of whiteheads, professional cosmetologists will be able to advise you. For treatment of whiteheads on the face the doctor individually will pick up to you a peeling or ointment, and also can make cleaning up of the face with application of modern technologies: