Products containing a large amount of zinc

Everyone from the school bench knows the name of the chemical element of the periodic table like zinc. In addition, that it costs the thirtieth in the periodic table and is an important trace element, it is necessary for the body and has a mass of useful properties. Below we will consider in more detail this element, and we will find out through which products containing a lot of zinc lie the way to health.

What is the use?

For a full and optimal maintenance of the human body, it is necessary to absorb up to 15 mg of zinc per day. What is its usefulness?

  1. Promotes the acceleration of metabolism.
  2. The high content of vitamin E in zinc will bring healthy skin color, shine and rapid growth to the hair, and your nails will be thanked to you for their durability and well-groomed appearance.
  3. Zinc has a positive effect on the reproductive function of man. Its number affects the growth and development of germ cells. Participating in the process of combining male and female sex hormones, it promotes the natural activity of the sexual sphere.
  4. Using foods rich in zinc - you are not afraid of such an insidious disease as diabetes. Zinc helps reduce blood sugar and prevents uncontrolled release of insulin into the blood.
  5. In children, the use of zinc helps the correct formation and development of the body, affects mental activity.
  6. Sufficient intake of zinc strengthens the nervous system and prevents the occurrence of mental illness.
  7. It is important to maintain the level of zinc in the body when carrying the fetus. It is this electrolyte that is responsible for the full formation, growth and development of the embryo. Due to a sufficient level of zinc in the blood, premature birth will not occur. And in nursing mothers from the choice of zinc-containing products depends the development and growth of the baby.
  8. For men zinc will become a panacea for prostate adenoma and prostatitis. It can be taken for preventive purposes to strengthen the "second heart" of a man.

Products containing a large amount of zinc

  1. Seeds . This group of products is a champion, as the seeds contain a lot of zinc. Although they are extremely caloric and harmful to the figure, 15-20 pieces a day will saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements, give the skin a healthy color. Particular attention should be paid to pumpkin seeds, since their consumption in the amount of 150 grams replenishes the daily requirement of the body in zinc.
  2. Oysters . The second place in the content of zinc is this sea delicacy-aphrodisiac. This element of the periodic table of Mendeleev in 100 grams of oysters as much as 60 mg! And this means that only a few mollusks a day can prevent the development of prostatitis in men and ensure the full development of the body as a whole.
  3. Nuts . In peanuts, albeit to a lesser extent, but also contains a high percentage of zinc. Despite their excessive nutritional value, a handful of nuts will do good. After the peanuts cedar and walnuts were given attention. By the way, zinc in 100 grams of peanuts - more than 20% of the daily rate, in fruits of cedar - slightly more than 4%, and in walnuts - 2% of the daily needs of the body.
  4. Low-fat varieties of meat (lamb, veal , beef). An animal of animal origin is known for its many useful properties. Merit in this high content of zinc. One hundred grams of beef will give the body zinc at a rate of more than 70% of the daily dose, and beef liver is 10% more. The recommended daily dose of zinc in lamb is about 60%. In a small amount, zinc is found in the chicken heart (7.7 mg), and in the egg yolk, even less (3.2 mg).
  5. Fruits and berries . Talking about what fruits contain zinc, it is kumquat, mango, plum, cherry and strawberry. Many gifts of gardens serve as sources of vitamins, including zinc. And although its percentage of content in fruits and berries is small, to eat them will not exactly go to the harm to the body.

Depending on the choice of products containing zinc mineral, many diseases can be avoided and the functioning of all systems and organs of the body can be established.