Adenium is obese

On the windowsills you can often see interesting specimens of exotic indoor plants . When choosing the florists, what exactly to grow, the main selection criteria are the complexity of care and appearance, therefore for growing at home adenium obese is very popular because the unusualness of its trunk and the beauty of flowers is combined with a fairly simple care for it.

But, despite the fact that it is considered the most unpretentious among other adeniums, there are certain recommendations on how to take care of it.

Adenium obesum (Adenium obesum) is a shrub with thick gray-brown stems emerging from the caudex, on which lie linear fleshy leaves covered with a wax coating. He blossoms in the end of spring, immediately after the period of rest with pink or red flowers.

Caring for adenium fat

It consists in the following:

  1. Temperature regime. Optimal for its cultivation is + 25-27 ° in summer and not less than + 10 ° in winter.
  2. Location. Since the birthplace of the adenium are hot regions, it well tolerates the direct rays of the sun on it. Optimal place for its location are the southern windows. In addition to light, he also needs fresh air. Therefore, the room where the flower stands, you should regularly air or take the plant to the balcony.
  3. Watering and top dressing. Adenium does not tolerate waterlogging, so it should be watered once a week, after the ground has dried. After discarding the leaves, watering stops. Fertilizers for succulents (at a concentration of 2%) are introduced after flowering and the appearance of new green plants on stems 1 time per month.
  4. Transfer. Young adenomas should be transplanted annually using a soil mixture for planting cacti. The installation of drainage is mandatory. After 3 years, succulent will need to be transplanted once in 2 years, but each season replacing the top layer of soil.

For fat adenium, the rest period from October to March is very important. Then it requires only good lighting, a cool temperature (+ 12-15 °) and limited watering.