Ovarian cysts - causes

The causes of the occurrence of such a common disease as the ovarian cyst are quite diverse and numerous. In most of all, they are hormonal in nature, i.e. the formation of ovarian cysts for reasons related to the disruption of the hormonal system of the female body. Let's look at them in more detail and try to understand why the cyst arises in seemingly healthy women who do not have problems with their well-being.

Because of what develops the ovarian cyst?

Before listing the main causes of ovarian cyst in women, it must be said that young women of the same sex are most likely to suffer from this disease, the age of which does not exceed 35-40 years.

The cyst itself is nothing but a vial filled with semi-liquid contents that is localized directly to the ovary. In isolated cases, which are very neglected, when the neoplasm is found several months after the onset, the cyst can reach a diameter of 15-20 cm. In such situations, a woman is disturbed by severe pains in the lower abdomen, mostly of a noisy nature, which causes her to seek medical help .

If we talk specifically about the causes of ovarian cysts in women, then, as a rule, they lead to a similar disease:

  1. Violations of the physiological processes associated with the maturation of the egg. As is known in the middle of every menstrual cycle occurring in the female body, a follicle rupture, from which an egg is released into the abdominal cavity. So as a result of a violation of this process, the follicle may burst and fluid begins to accumulate in it, resulting in the formation of a cyst. This kind of education is usually called functional cysts, which often disappear themselves after a while.
  2. Violation of the hormonal background often leads to the development of cysts. This is often an explanation for one of the possible causes of the ovarian cyst in a girl. This happens very often during the development of the menstrual cycle in adolescents.
  3. Long-term use of hormonal drugs, can also be the cause of the development of cysts.
  4. The presence of gynecological operations on the reproductive organs in the past may lead to the formation of cysts on the ovary.
  5. Disruption of the endocrine system. Ovarian cyst often occurs with a disease such as hypothyroidism.

Among other factors that have an indirect effect on the occurrence of such a violation, we can name:

What are dangerous ovarian cysts?

Having dealt with the main causes of ovarian cysts in women, it is necessary to say about the consequences of such a disease.

So many women hold the erroneous opinion that the ovarian cyst should dissolve independently and does not require treatment. Such a statement is only valid for functional cysts, and only partially. In any case, if a neoplasm is detected in a woman, she should be examined.

The most formidable consequence of such a violation is the transition of education into a malignant form.

Also, one should not forget about such complications as torsion of the cyst legs, which without the timely provision of medical care can lead to death.

Another consequence of ovarian cysts may be a phenomenon such as infertility. Sometimes it happens that the cyst is found when looking for the reasons that led to problems with conception.