Massage of the abdomen for newborns

Colic in infants - this unpleasant phenomenon causes problems and the baby, suffering from pain in the tummy, and his parents who do not get enough sleep and are forced to wear it in their arms. In addition to special medicines, there are various abdominal massages for newborns that help with colic.

Exercises from colic

Gases, accumulating in the intestines of the baby due to the immaturity of the digestive system, appear after each feeding. That is why a tummy massage with colic in newborns is important to do systematically.

Relaxing massage for babies with colic can be done no earlier than an hour and a half after the next feeding. Before you start to do a stomach massage to a newborn, stroke it clockwise with your hand. The direction is not accidental. This is due to the physiological location of the intestine and rectum. Such movements seem to push the gases accumulated in the body to the natural outlet.

First lay the crumb on your tummy and stroke his back. The legs should be bent at the knees. This creates additional pressure on the stomach. Then flip it over the back, slowly and gently, so that the baby does not hurt, try to reach the ears with your feet. The essence of this exercise is a light, but effective pressure on the tummy with simultaneous relaxation of the anal muscles. Usually, after several minutes of training, the child begins to actively fart, and the pain in the tummy passes. After a few days of such a massage, the child will feel better. To massage was more effective, let the baby dill the water during the day, warm his tummy with a warm diaper. It is not superfluous to note that nursing mothers should strictly follow their diet, eliminating from the diet all products provoking excessive gas formation.