The use of plum

In China, it is called the symbol of the "Five Gods", in Korea are treated with special respect, because they have a plum is considered a sacred tree, which confirms its benefits to human health. After all, it not only normalizes the work of the body, fills it with nutrients, but also pleases the eye with its flowering.

What vitamins are contained in the sink?

This fruit plant is rich in vitamin P, which has a positive effect on blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels. In addition, to the question of what vitamins are contained in the sink, it should be added that this is carotene (up to 5 mg), B2 (up to 400 mg / kg), E (up to 400 mg), riboflavin (up to 500 mg) , PP (up to 70 mg), thiamine (up to 170 mg).

Beneficial features

In addition to the above-mentioned vitamins, which contribute to the normal functioning of the body, the sink consists of potassium salts (up to 400 mg), which regulate the acid-base balance in cells and organs. Potassium removes excess fluid from the body. It will not be superfluous to emphasize that the plum contains:

If you have problems with digestion, remember that, like fresh berries and prunes, they have a laxative effect, relieving the intestinal bowels.

Using plum compote or juice, you can significantly lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Thus, you will protect your body from the occurrence of arrhythmia.

Plum fruits struggle with rheumatism, diseases of the gall bladder, kidneys, edema, thrombi, restore metabolism, stimulating the work of peristalsis. In the latter case, the organic acids in their composition have a stimulating effect on bile secretion in the small intestine.

Its sour, but such an appetizing taste, is useful to people who have problems with normal eating.

Anti-cyanin, giving the plum purple, actively fights with the appearance of tumors. In this case it will be useful to develop the habit of eating 200 grams of such plums every day, in order to insure against cancer.

Quickly get rid of abscesses by applying lotions from the resin of this tree or gruel from the mulled leaves.

Freshly squeezed plum juice is used as a tonic, rich in vitamin E, which not only moisturizes the skin, but also protects against the damaging effects of UV rays. If you wish to prepare such a remedy at home, just bring the fruit to a mushy state and boil over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Let it cool down. Strain and rub it with a face like morning and evening.

Benefits of yellow plums

Their value is that they are rich in carotene, that is, vitamin A. This suggests that yellow varieties help maintain normal vision. Despite the fact that they do not have anti-cyanins, they are nothing more than ascorbic, because they are saturated with vitamin C.

Can I use plums on a diet?

Dietitians around the world are urging people to use this delicious product. After all, they are not only high in vitamins and minerals, but also low in calories (40 kcal). It is recommended that you sometimes arrange your favorite plum unloading days. To do this, eat up to 2 kg of plums per day.

Damage to the plum

Despite its useful properties, plums can also cause harm, especially to those who suffer from diabetes mellitus or have various gastrointestinal diseases. This is explained by the high content of glucose in it, and, accordingly, of carbohydrates. Also, one should not often feed such a delicacy to kids, since fruit can provoke diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach, and gas formation.