Multiple pregnancy - early signs

Most girls and women who are eagerly awaiting the birth of their child, I really want to know who exactly moved into their tummy. Especially this applies to the case when in the womb of the future mother the life of not one, but two or even more babies has arisen.

A girl who is pregnant with twins or triplets should be more careful about her health than any other woman in an "interesting" position. In this case, the load on the organism of the future mother increases many times, so she can not ignore any, even the slightest malaise.

Modern diagnostic technologies and, in particular, ultrasound can identify a multiple pregnancy in the early stages, but there are other signs, thanks to which a woman and herself can suspect the bearing of twins.

How to identify a multiple pregnancy in the early stages?

In numerous areas of the Internet, you can find far more than one forum where women discuss the first signs of a multiple pregnancy in the early stages. Future mothers who later learned that they are expecting twins, in the first weeks after conception, most often noticed the following symptoms:

Undoubtedly, if any symptoms of multiple pregnancies are detected in the early stages, it is necessary to turn to a gynecologist and perform an ultrasound to determine the number of embryos in the uterus. If more than one baby has really settled in your tummy, you need more careful observation from the medical profession.