Growth of a child in 3 months

In the first months of the crumb develops most actively. Young parents can almost every day celebrate changes in the behavior and appearance of the baby. There are some norms that characterize how well the carapace develops. These indicators are very arbitrary, because all children are individual. Therefore, do not worry immediately, noticing any deviations in the parameters. The physical data of the baby is also important for evaluating its development.

Average height of the child in 3 months

This parameter, as well as weight, is very concerned about caring mothers. Monthly visit to the doctor is necessarily accompanied by measurements of growth, as well as weighing the baby. The results are entered into the card.

On the Internet, you can find a number of tables of child growth in 3 months, as well as for any other age. It is believed that boys of this age can grow up to 59 cm, and girls up to 58 cm.

But it is worthwhile to understand that all these indicators are averaged. According to WHO recommendations, indicators that are within the range of 57.3 to 65.5 cm for boys and 55.6 to 64 cm for girls are considered normal. Even healthy babies can vary greatly in this parameter. What will be the growth in a child in 3 months, depends on such factors:

You can also navigate through the tables, which indicate the increase by months.

So, it is considered that in 3 months the growth of the child should increase by 2.5 cm in the past 30 days or 8.5 cm for the entire period after birth. It should be remembered that these figures are arbitrary.

Parents should understand that the most important parameter in assessing the development of a youngster is its condition. If the baby has a good appetite, shows activity, his stool is normal, and the doctor does not see any deviations in health, then there is no need to worry about the discrepancy between tabulated values.