Congenital heart disease in children

The most important dream of any mother is that her child is always healthy. To see the suffering of your baby is the most terrible thing that can be for loving mothers. Unfortunately, there are families where the happiness of the appearance of a child is overshadowed by an unpleasant news, a terrible diagnosis is heart disease. Here it is necessary to say that the earlier parents hear these terrible words, the more chances of recovery for the baby.

The essence of the problem

Heart disease in newborns means an abnormal structure of the child's heart, a change in its structures - the heart valve, blood vessels. There are 2 types of vices: blue, when the baby's skin has a cyanotic shade, and pale types. The most common congenital heart disease in newborns, in which the wrong formation of the baby's heart begins in the womb. Unfortunately, an ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman does not always allow you to know in advance about this diagnosis. Therefore, even if neither pregnancy, nor childbirth, nor the condition of the crumbs caused you any concern, the doctors advise nevertheless to make the uzi of the newborn's heart, in order to make sure of his health.

Causes and Symptoms of Heart Disease

Heart defects in newborns differ in form and severity, and no matter how sad it was to admit, without surgery, half of children with this diagnosis do not live to see a year, so refusing parents for surgical intervention would be stupid.

The risk of giving birth to a sick baby is a woman who uses alcohol during pregnancy, narcotic drugs, living or working in an unfavorable ecological setting. The appearance of heart disease in newborns can be caused by the following reasons:

It happens that the violations in the structure of the heart of the baby the doctors of the maternity hospital can not immediately detect and prescribe the mother with the child home. To guard against and consult a doctor, parents should, if the crumb badly sucks, often belch, quickly becomes tired, and when crying or crying turns blue. Heart disease in newborns also has several symptoms that only a doctor can see:

Operation as a way of salvation

If we talk about the treatment of heart disease in newborns, then most often without surgical intervention can not do. Undoubtedly, it is encouraging that timely operation sometimes gives parents a healthy child who in the future is no different in development from their peers, the only thing that can be limited in physical activity and removed from school by physical culture at school age. The operation on the heart requires it to stop, which is why moms and dads should not be afraid, because you need a healthy baby. Sometimes one operation is not enough, and a number of other such interventions should be carried out to completely eliminate the problem. The medicines prescribed by the doctor make it possible to eliminate the consequences of the disease. And, of course, the operated kid needs special care: diet and diet, Staying in the open air, restorative procedures, hardening will help the baby to become healthy. Do not forget about the positive attitude, your baby should know that he is not disabled, that his parents love him.

The signs of a heart defect in a newborn, as already mentioned above, can be noticed by a mother who cares about her baby around the clock. And her life and health depend on her vigilance. Attention and love work miracles, and even heart diseases in newborns are surrendered under the onslaught of this weapon. Help the confrontation and doctors, the achievements of modern medicine can successfully carry out heart surgery, giving the future to our children.