Icelandic moss - medicinal properties

Icelandic cetrarium, which is popularly called Icelandic moss, is a bizarre lichen that grows either on the soil or on old stumps. Outwardly, it does not resemble moss, but rather an aquarium alga. Nevertheless, in folk medicine it is customary to say that Iceland moss is grass, which is somewhat incorrect from the point of view of botany.

The composition of the Icelandic cetrarium

Lichen is formed by thalli - these parts of Icelandic moss have medicinal properties, since they contain:

However, mainly useful properties of Icelandic moss are due to the presence of desynic, licesterin, protolyesterester, fumarprotocenterar and some other lichen acids in its composition. They are responsible for antibacterial activity of cetraria, and therefore preparations based on this lichen are widely used in the fight against infectious diseases.

Usninovaya acid is the strongest natural antibiotic in lichen composition, and it is active against streptococci, staphylococci and tubercle bacillus, therefore, for respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis), Icelandic moss is a rather effective medicine.

Also, preparations based on cetrarium help with gastrointestinal diseases, restoring motor skills and relieving inflammation. Lichen is used and as a natural bitter, which improves the secretion of bile and enhances appetite.

Icelandic moss treatment

With emphysema of the lungs and pneumonia, a decoction decoction helps:

  1. Preparation is made of two spoons of dried raw material and 500 ml of hot milk or water.
  2. Give the mixture to simmer for about 5 minutes, filter.
  3. At night, the drug is drunk hot (from insomnia cetraria also helps), and in the morning they take it on an empty stomach.

It is useful to supplement the preparation with the decoction of mother-and-stepmother.

With tuberculosis Icelandic moss is used as a decoction according to another scheme: 4 tablespoons of lichen are poured into three glasses of boiling water, boiled for about half an hour. The resulting remedy is drunk in three doses in one day.

For external use, such a decoction will be appropriate for treatment:

The product rinses the damaged skin, make lotions. In the fight against acne (acne), the antibacterial properties of Icelandic moss will be very helpful - the decoction not only cleanses the body parts with rashes, but takes the preparation before each meal for 150-180 ml.

Rejuvenation of the body

Decoction of cetrarium is useful to drink after eating 100 ml of those who want to cleanse the body of toxins and rejuvenate the body. Do not forget that such treatment with Icelandic moss should be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.

If you take a decoction of lichen along with green tea, you can minimize the risk of cancer.

Useful for general strengthening of the body collection of:

All components are taken in 2 parts, and moss - to 3. 4 teaspoons of this mixture of herbs will need 4 cups of boiling water. In a warm form, the infusion takes one glass a day (4 times, respectively).

Precautionary measures

Allergies or an overdose of decoctions and other medications based on cetraria have not been identified, because it is believed that such phytotherapy is suitable for everyone. At the same time, only the doctor should prescribe the treatment with Icelandic moss, and it is desirable that it complement the main drug therapy - otherwise the infection may not recede.