Massage of the lacrimal canal with dacryocystitis

Recently, newborns have already begun to determine the presence of dacryocystitis in the maternity hospital - impassability of the tear duct , due to the physiological development of the child in the intrauterine period. Dacryocystitis is accompanied by suppuration, coming from the baby's eyes, standing tears.

If a newborn is diagnosed with "dacryocystitis", then one of the methods of treatment is eye massage. The physical effect on the blockage will allow breaking the film, which caused the obstruction of the lacrimal canal.

How to do a tear duct massage for newborn dacryocystitis?

Massage should be done with a little finger, since the baby's face is still very small. Before the massage, you first need to clear the eye from purulent contents and drip antibacterial drops (eg, albucid).

The massage technique for dacryocystitis is as follows:

  1. The adult puts the little finger over the eye of the newborn from the side of the nose. Then, with jerky movements with a slight pressure, starts to move your finger down along the nose to break the gelatin film. We make 10 movements.
  2. Then makes one movement from below upwards along the nose and gently along a small circle in the area between the nose and the eye.

After the massage procedure, the child is instilled with a drop of levomycetin or vitabactum. Such massage should be done to a child up to 10 times a day.

In time, a massage performed in case of impassability of the lacrimal canal in newborns will allow to avoid surgical intervention - sensing. This method of treatment is carried out in the conditions of the consultative center of the ophthalmologic clinic and requires a more attentive attitude of the parents in the postoperative period in order to exclude the development of infectious diseases. However, it should be remembered that this procedure is rather painful for the baby, although he can not tell about his feelings. Therefore, everyday eye massage with dacryocystitis, persistence and hygiene rules will help to avoid a child performing such an unpleasant procedure.

It should be remembered that dacryocystitis in a child up to a year is the greatest danger, as it increases the amount of pus that is located in the brain region. This, in turn, can be fraught with negative consequences.