How is the allergy in infants?

Mommies are very sensitive and scrupulous about all issues related to the health of their babies. Therefore, having noticed on the skin a small red spot, immediately begin to panic. Let's find out together with you how the allergy of the baby is manifested and what is being done to solve this problem?

What does the allergy look like in babies?

Determine yourself how it manifests allergies in infants, it can be very difficult. Physicians, along with rashes, distinguish the following symptoms:

How is the allergy in infants?

So, first you need to see a specialist who, having examined the baby, will put an accurate diagnosis. Confirming allergy, the doctor also tries to establish and the allergen. Usually the conclusion is made after communicating with the parents - what and when they gave to eat the child that the mother was eating, if she is breastfeeding. But if you can not establish the cause, the specialist writes out the direction for special tests for allergens. As for the treatment, then you need to start with the most basic, that is, with the child's diet. It is worth changing it a little - you see, and all the rashes immediately go away. If the skin is badly damaged, the pediatrician prescribes antihistamines: ointments, drops, or syrups.

It is strictly forbidden to cure the baby by means of allergies independently, because not every rash is an allergy. For example, 3 weeks after birth, a baby can have redheads on his face or on his shoulders. Dermatologists say that this is not an allergy, but the result of the fact that mom's hormones gradually leave the baby's body. Also, rashes may be due to the reaction of the child's body to washing powders, rinses or other household chemicals, as well as to the parental perfume.