Can Paracetamol Be Pregnant?

A woman who carries a baby, unfortunately, is not immune from all sorts of infections and viruses. She also has periods of muscle or headache and at this time you need to know if you can use such a popular paracetamol during pregnancy. After all, this remedy is used first of all for a variety of health problems.

In ordinary life, paracetamol is the number one remedy that can help with headache, muscle tension, spasms, temperature, ear pain or dental treatment. But if a new life is beating under your heart, first of all, the mother should not think about her feelings but about the harm that can be given to the baby due to uncontrolled use of the drug.

Paracetamol administration in trimester

  1. Since paracetamol penetrates the placental barrier, it is natural that its reception is reflected on the baby inside the mother's tummy. So in the first trimester without much need is extremely undesirable to apply it. In this period (to be exact, before the 18th week) all the organs of a little man and any chemical influence are formed, and this can affect the process unconventionally. But if the situation is critical, such as a severe headache due to migraine or a fever, then the mother's body will be harmed more than for the child and in this case the doctors prescribe paracetamol.
  2. In the second trimester, paracetamol can be used in some cases (SARS, toothache, muscle spasms), but only with the consent of the doctor.
  3. And the third trimester, when the mother's disease can seriously affect the newborn, implies the use of paracetamol as the only means allowed during pregnancy.

When is paracetamol administered?

The question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to take paracetamol depends on the condition of the woman. After all, some of the states will be well managed by means of traditional medicine. Let's say, with a cold with a high temperature, it is best to knock it down with infusions of lime or warm crimson mors. Thus, these agents act simultaneously as both antipyretic and compensate for fluid loss.

But if the body temperature rose above the level of 38 ° C, then this condition requires an immediate response. After all, for the fetus it will have negative consequences, much more than taking a pill medication. Therefore, the answer to the question - is it possible for pregnant paracetamol for cold or temperature to be uniquely positive.

Points for self-massage from headaches

Women, with increased meteosensitivity, are wondering whether pregnant women can use paracetamol for headache. After all, such conditions are not uncommon and the quality of life without the use of anesthetics is significantly reduced. It is desirable, if possible, do without medication. In addition to this anesthetic, there are methods of acupressure, treatment with compositions from permitted aromamasel (cedar, lemon, geranium, eucalyptus, rosemary, mint, ylang-ylang) and they are able to replace the use of chemical preparations.

How often can I drink paracetamol during pregnancy?

And here is how much you can use paracetamol during pregnancy and how often to drink it depends on the severity of the patient's condition. As a rule, the treatment regimen is standard and involves 3-4 single-dose administration of the drug per day. But the course of treatment should not exceed one week. As soon as the temperature goes to a decline, immediately stop taking the medicine and turn to traditional medicine. It is impossible to say with accuracy how often paracetamol can be used, but definitely, it should be done as rarely as possible for the baby's good.