Group 2 health in a child

Often, parents can find a record in the child's card that relates him to one or another group of health. Most often the child is referred to the second group of health (about 60%), but according to what criteria the child is considered to be 2 health groups, not everyone knows. Today we will try to figure this out.

How to identify the child's health group?

The group of health is determined based on an assessment of the level of physical and neuropsychic development , which include the degree of the organism's readiness to withstand adverse factors, the presence or absence of chronic diseases.

When referring children to a certain group of health, it is not necessary that children have deviations in all health criteria. The health group is determined by the presence of the most pronounced or severe deviation, or group of criteria.

The health group is determined by the doctor after the conclusion of the medical examination and the collection of necessary tests.

What does the 2 group of health mean?

To 2 group of health are healthy children who are exposed to "risk" of development of chronic diseases. In early childhood, two groups of children are divided into subgroups.

  1. The child's 2-A health group includes "threatened children" who have adverse heredity or unsatisfactory living conditions, which can directly affect their physical and mental health.
  2. Group 2-B health in a child, unites children who have some functional and morphological abnormalities: for example, children with abnormal structures, often ill children.

Children of preschool and primary school age are referred to the 2nd group of health in the presence of the following criteria:

What is the main and preparatory health groups?

Based on the medical certificate of primary school age children, two groups are defined as the main or preparatory group of health.

The 2 nd main group of health includes children who have certain diseases that do not affect motor activity, as well as schoolchildren whose minor functional changes do not interfere with normal physical development. For example, schoolchildren with moderately expressed excess body weight, impaired work of some internal organs or skin-allergic reactions.

Children belonging to this group are allowed to exercise in full accordance with the physical education curriculum. Also such schoolchildren are recommended to practice in sports clubs and sections.

To the 2 nd preparatory group of health , children who have a certain lag in physical development are ranked because of deviations in the state of health. The preparatory group includes children who have recently had acute illnesses, as well as those who have become chronic. Classes in a special group of health are aimed at increasing physical education of children to normal levels.

The program of physical training for such children should be limited, in particular, children from the preparatory group are contraindicated in large amounts of physical activity.