Massager for back and neck

Neck and back massage is a great relaxing procedure. It is pleasant to those who suffer from various ailments in the spine, and absolutely healthy people. Such a massage will save you from fatigue, relieve excessive muscle tension, restore tone.

But the services of a professional masseur are not cheap today, and sometimes it is advisable to use a special device instead of them - a home massager for the back and neck.

What kind of massager for the back and neck is better?

Massagers differ in various ways:

  1. By appointment, they are curative and preventive. In the first case, the need for using a massager is determined by the doctor. Usually, these are cases of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, scoliosis, etc.). For prevention, it makes sense to use such a device if you spend a lot of time at the computer or have another sedentary job. There is another type of massager - it's sports that are used by professional athletes.
  2. By type of food, massagers can be manual and electric. Manual (mechanical) massagers are usually much cheaper than electric massagers, but they have an obvious minus - it's difficult to do a massage in the back area alone, so you'll have to look for an assistant. The most common manual model is a roller massager for the back and neck. As for electrical, the most effective ones are those that have the function of infrared heating.
  3. Massagers for back and neck differ in form:
  • And, of course, massagers are very different in price. Even the same type of massager is available in different price segments. It can be a simplified model with 1-2 modes of operation (if it is an electrical device), or a professional massage equipment equipped with a remote control.
  • Before buying this or that kind of massage machine, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The fact is that for the massage of the back and neck area there are contraindications: these are oncological diseases, spinal injuries, skin diseases, infections in the acute stage, and also the period of pregnancy.