Grippferon with lactation

During the entire period of epidemics of influenza and viral respiratory diseases, each mimicking mother asks the question: "What medications can I take while breastfeeding?" After all, the health of not only the mother, but also the baby itself is at stake.

To date, there is a huge selection of medications that are designed to treat viral respiratory infections. One of these drugs is influenza. And we need only to find out whether it is possible to take a woman with influenza while breastfeeding.

Grippferon is an immune medication based on interferon. Its action occurs in two directions - antiviral, and also restores innate immunity . Interferon interferes with the multiplication of viruses that enter the person through the respiratory tract.

There are four categories of medications:

Admission of influenza is allowed both during the entire pregnancy period and during lactation . In addition, this drug can be used by children from birth.

To take influferon during feeding can be both for the prevention of viral infections, and for direct treatment. According to testimony, influferon not only strengthens the body's immune defenses and weakens the strength of the disease, but also prevents the development of complications. The preparation is released in the form of a spray and drops. Burying in the nose or in the throat of a drop of influferon, you should not use any other vasoconstrictive drops.

Taking influferon during breastfeeding, a woman can avoid taking more dangerous preparations for her health and also for her baby's health.