How to sew a heating pad on the kettle?

Pleasant trifle - sewn with his hands warmer on the kettle. It is interesting that even if on the run the family often uses tea bags, the housewife in the kitchen almost always has a hot-water bottle. This is not just a tradition or a tribute to fashion - it's the style of Russian tea drinking.

How to sew a hot-dog chicken on a teapot?

To make a warmer - a chicken, we need a few pieces of fabric, thread, braid of organza, filler and other small items.

1. The pattern of the parts of the heating pad is placed on several sheets of paper. On this leaflet we draw the details of the front part of the heating pad and the scallop.

2. At the next stage, we represent the details of the back of the heater, the beak and the heart.

3. Next, draw the bottom part of the heater.

4. Cut out the patterns and connect the parts of the hot-water bottle in the intended letters.

5. We proceed to transfer the patterns to the fabric. For the beak and scallop, fold the red fabric in two layers.

6. Lay out the pattern on the fabric and attach it with pins. With a pencil, draw the outline of the patterns on the fabric.

7. On the planned lines we lay a machine stitch, after which we cut out a scallop and a beak with small allowances.

8. With the help of a plastic stick we turn the parts on the front side.

9. Fill the scallop and the beak with filler so that the parts take shape, but they are not too dense.

10. We sweep the edges of the details with hand stitches, the scallop and the beard are already ready.

11. We proceed to transfer the pattern directly to the chicken. Fold the fabric for the heater in two layers.

12. We connect the patterns to the marks and place them on the fabric. Chalk outline the main circuit of the hot water bottle.

13. We cut out the main part of the chicken, cut out the details with scissors, leaving a small allowance.

14. On the front part of the hot-water bottle, the chicken's collar is marked with a dashed line. Cut it off the line. For the collar, select the gray fabric. With a chalk, we transfer the outline of the pattern to the fabric.

15. Now cut out the blank for the collar.

16. From a cardboard paper on a pattern we will make a template of a collar. Using a pencil, move the collar to the cardboard.

17. Now cut out the template.

18. On the detail of the collar we put the template. The pointer shows a cut, which we will press according to the template. From the wrong side, iron on the templates, we press the rounded section of the chicken collar.

19. Under the pressed hem of the collar, we rub the organza rucola.

20. On the front side we impose a collar at the same time as the finish.

21. Pin the beaks and scallops in the upper corners of the heater. We sweep them.

22. Now we sew with the machine stitch on the ground. We remove the note.

23. A hot-water bottle on the kettle must keep warm. Therefore, between the layers of the liner we arrange a heater. Cut the rectangles from the fabric into two layers, the size of the cuts is slightly larger than the parts of the heating pad.

24. On one of the layers of the lining, we expand the filler. From above, cover the filler with another layer of fabric.

25. Two layers of fabric together with pins. On the edges and in the middle we lay the machine line.

26. Crop the edges and get a warm lining for the chicken.

27. We put the parts of the heating pad on the prepared lining. We pin them with pins. We trim the top part of the lining.

28. In the other upper corner we attach pins of twine with pins. Twist the twine in rings.

29. Pritachaem ponytail with a machine stitch.

30. Fold the parts of the heating pad together with the inside sides. Pins fasten details on the top and side sections.

31. Separately add and puncture the padding details together face inward. On one side seam of the lining leave the area not stuck.

32. Turn the top part of the hot water bottle to the front side.

33. Put it in the lining.

34. On the lower cuts, we split the lining and the top of the warmer with pins.

35. We spread the details of the lining and the top of the heater in different directions. Through the left hole in the side of the lining we turn the heating pad on the front side.

36. Pins pin hole. We stall the plot with a machine stitch.

37. We fill the lining in the heating pad.

38. We sweep the bottom of the warmer with the slanting stitches. We lay a finishing line on the marking.

39. Sew the eyes of black beads.

40. From the gray fabric folded in two layers we cut out the hearts. With a pencil we move the outline of the pattern.

41. The ends of the braid are pinned with pins to the top of the heart.

42. We put on top other details of the heart. We fasten details with pins. We put the tapes into areas that we will not leave intact. On the planned lines we lay the machine line.

43. We turn the hearts on the front side and simultaneously pull the braid. Fill the hearts with a sintepon.

44. We sew the braid with hearts on the back of the chicken-warmer. We tie a bow from the braid on the back.

45. Our chicken is ready, we will begin sewing napkins. For the cut-out part, we cut out the lining for the bottom. It should be slightly larger than the main part.

46. ​​We combine all the slices between ourselves, the top detail should be smaller than the bottom, the seams still need to be combined. We grind the parts with a machine stitch. We leave room to turn on the front side.

47. We turn off the napkin warmer and sweep the edge on the top of the napkin. Prjutuzhivaem napkin and on the seam pins braid. Pratachivaem her machine line on the top. We tie the ends of a braid in a bow.

48. The napkin is ready. It is used under the bottom of the chicken warmer.

49. Now in your favorite kitchen there is a new piece of furniture that preserves the warmth of tea and the comfort of the home.