Ranunculus - landing and care at home

In many ways similar to miniature roses, the flowers of the Ranunculus are better known in the people as "buttercup." Cultivation of buttercup is most often practiced outdoors , but in a pot on the windowsill this plant will feel completely normal. We will talk about the main features of planting and caring for Ranunculus in the home environment today.

Cultivation of Ranunculus from Seeds

Although growing buttercups from seeds can not be called easy occupation, with proper approach it has all chances for success:

  1. Sowing seeds is necessary in late February or early March, using for this purpose sufficiently deep and spacious pots or boxes. Deepen the seeds can be no more than 3-5 mm, leaving between them intervals of 1-2 cm.
  2. Land in the pot or planting box should be previously disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or base.
  3. For cultivation of the Ranunculus, it is possible to use both universal land mixtures from the store, and prepared independently. For example, you can mix garden land with pine humus in a 1: 2 ratio.
  4. After sowing the seeds, the soil in the pot is moistened abundantly and placed in a mini-teplichku (covered with a glass jar or a plastic bag).
  5. Before punching the first shoots (usually 2-3 weeks), the containers with the seeded Ranunculus are kept in a well-lit place at a temperature of no more than + 12 degrees. After their appearance, the pot is moved to a room with a temperature of +20 ... +22 degrees, removing the greenhouse beforehand.

Care of the Ranunculus at home

For the full development and flowering of the buttercup, two conditions are necessary: ​​sunlight and humidity. To place a pot with it is best on the western and eastern windows, where it can not become a victim of direct sunlight. Watering the plant should be frequent, but not allowing the stagnation of water. But periodic spraying from the atomizer will only benefit him.