Neck massage

Neck massage is simply necessary for those with sedentary work. And with age, in any way of life, in order to be in shape and avoid the headache, you need from time to time to do a preventive complex massage of the neck, shoulders and head. In order to pamper yourself with a massage, you do not have to go to the professionals, you can do it yourself at home or teach a loved one the simplest and most effective way. If, starting from about 26 years, regularly massage your neck and shoulders, then your skin will become more elastic, pleasant to the touch and will not succumb to aging for a long time. But when you constantly feel pain in the neck or a dull headache, then you can not do without a therapeutic massage

How to do a therapeutic massage of the neck and shoulders with osteochondrosis?

If you have signs of osteochondrosis, you must save your spine. You can regularly massage your neck yourself, but it will be more effective if someone helps you and makes a complex massage of the neck and shoulders. If you apply the right approach, then the state of health will improve, and you will always be in good shape. Massage massage should preferably be done before bedtime, after all, after relaxation, the body can fully relax. And how to do the therapeutic massage of the neck, we'll tell you now.

Technique of neck massage for osteochondrosis:

  1. Massage can be done in a sitting or standing position. The main thing to straighten the body: if you sit, the legs should be bent at right angles, and if you stand, then on the width of the shoulders and body weight should be evenly distributed on both legs. First the massage should last about 15 minutes, but gradually it needs to be done longer. For one exercise, take about 2-5 minutes. Before massaging, lubricate the skin with olive oil or cream.
  2. First, massage the back of the neck. We put the fingers of both hands on the line where the hair ends, at the level of the spine and strokes smoothly from top to bottom. Begin stroking, barely touching the skin, and gradually increase the pressure.
  3. Now straighten the palm and the side of it with your hand stroking your neck in the same way as before, but turning your hand (first touch the little finger and then your thumb).
  4. Next, put your fingers on the neck line and circular movements massaging the neck: first from ear to ear, and then from top to back (in no case is not three skin, but gently massaged).
  5. After, we pinch the skin on each side of the spinal line and feel it. Finally, the same place is stroked with your fingers. Now proceed to massage the front of the neck. We start again from the slight stroking. With one hand we take ourselves by the neck and drive it up and down.
  6. Next, with your fingers, make circular movements along the entire front of the neck, without affecting the veins and carotids.
  7. And again, feel the skin, while moving your head away from the place of massaging.
  8. We finish the procedure with a slight stroking, as well as we started.

After the neck massage, it is desirable to consolidate the procedure by switching to massaging the shoulders, but this can only be done with someone's help. Massage the shoulders with osteochondrosis at home make the same methods as neck massage: stroking, rubbing in circular motions, probing, kneading. You can also use the elements of a point massage. Find the pain points and rub them, adding strength.

Relaxing neck and scalp massage

Prolonged time in one position leads to headache and discomfort in the neck and shoulders. Sometimes it's just impossible to wait until the end of the day. In this case, a relaxing massage will help. It can be done without problems in the fresh air during lunch breaks and at the workplace. Of course, you can treat yourself to such a massage at home. After a relaxing massage the blood flow will increase, the tender skin of the neck and head will become more elastic and this is an effective way to relieve stress or depression.

Technique of relaxing neck and head massage:

  1. We embrace the neck with both hands and put the fingertips at the level of the spine, just below the nape. Gently press the neck muscles with the pads of the fingers.
  2. Next, we slide our fingers up and down from the back to the back of the head. Then easily throw your head back, without ceasing to do the movements with your hands.
  3. We stop at the beginning of the neck at the back and make circular movements with elbows.
  4. Now go to the massage of the head. We begin to massage the circular movements of whiskey with the pads of fingers, moving to the hair zone (imagine that my head shampoo), while it is easy to stretch myself by the hair.
  5. When we reach the forehead, we begin to stretch the skin slightly with two hands.
  6. Then we find the hollows behind the ear, press them and release (so several times).
  7. Gently tilt the head to one shoulder, then to the other.
  8. We wrap our arms around our neck, just under the head, and lightly pull it.
  9. We embrace the head with our hands, lightly squeeze it and release it. Thus, finishing massage.