Mask from black dots with gelatin

Black dots are a problem that all girls know about. Not only that she has to face personally, the problem is regularly spoken on TV in the advertising of skin care products. But salon brand creams are not affordable for everyone. But the mask from black dots with gelatin is not only easy to prepare and is quite accessible, but also extremely effective. The result of its use is noticeable after the first procedure.

How to apply masks from black dots with gelatin?

Gelatin for cooking masks use for good. This is a unique tool that easily removes comedones. The list of useful properties of the substance looks quite impressive. It:

Simple masks against black dots with gelatin do enough once or twice a week. Apply them to the pre-cleaned and stripped skin. Moreover, a special gel or tonic will not be enough. Before the procedure, you should wash yourself with herbal decoction based on nettle or chamomile. If desired, you can even use a scrub - the tool will only help penetrate the mask deeper.

It is desirable to avoid hitting gelatin on the hair. Otherwise, it takes a lot of time to wash off. It is best to close the line of hair growth and eyebrows with a bandage.

Recipe # 1 - mask from black dots of gelatin and milk

Necessary ingredients:


Be prepared, that at such proportions gelatin can not be dissolved completely. Better immediately after it swells, heat the mask on a water bath or in a microwave. Apply to the face of the product can be hand, using a make-up brush or cotton swab. The mask layer must be uniform. While gelatin does not wither completely, it is not advisable to use facial muscles, otherwise the film will come off prematurely.

Remove this gelatin mask for the face from the black points you need from your chin. If you look closely at the layer you have removed, you can see small bumps on the inside of it. This is the same dust that clogs the pores. The final stage of the procedure is moisturizing the skin with a special cream.

Recipe # 2 - mask from the black points of their gelatin and flour

Necessary ingredients:


Mix the milk with gelatin and allow the latter to swell. After adding to the mass of flour with yogurt and carefully grind everything. Apply the finished product to the face and neck. After drying, the film is carefully removed and the skin is treated with a moisturizing cream.

Recipe # 3 - mask-film from black dots with gelatin and activated carbon

This is one of the most effective masks. The use of activated carbon in it is completely justified. The substance is able to quickly draw in the dust and dirt, thereby ensuring deeper purification of the pores.

Necessary ingredients:


Coal must be grinded to the state of powder. It is most convenient to do this in a mortar, but as an alternative, two spoons will do. Mix together the resulting powder, gelatin and milk and heat in a microwave or water bath until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Give the gelatin mask for the face from the black dots a little cool and apply on the face. To do this, it is recommended to use a brush - the tool turns out to be quite liquid.