Decorative tomatoes

Grow in the home can not only flowers. Great popularity among lovers is also enjoyed by decorative fruits and vegetables, in particular, tomatoes. They are convenient to grow on a window sill or on a balcony. For this, it is not necessary to have a winter garden - tomatoes can grow even in a small apartment. So, what is a decorative tomato flower?

Decorative Tomatoes

Indoor tomatoes are a separate variety of tomatoes. By their properties they are similar to ordinary tomatoes, but grow only up to 30 cm in height. The fruits of homemade tomatoes are also relatively small. There is an opinion that decorative tomatoes are inedible, but this is a myth. The fruits of these plants can be eaten, and they can also become an excellent decoration of your home.

Decorative tomato - care

Grow tomatoes from dry or germinated seeds. If you planted a common tomato seedling, then you know how it is done. When the sprouts rise 5-6 cm, they should be transplanted into peat cups, in which it is very convenient to control irrigation.

The fact is that decorative tomatoes are very sensitive to moisture, heat and light. To water them should be moderate, as the top layer dries (on average 2 times a week). Heat at home is easy to provide - this is the reason for the ease of growing tomatoes at home. In the summer, plant seedlings on the windowsill, so that the plant receives a maximum of light, but try not to let direct sunlight through the glass. In the cold season, high-quality lighting can be provided with fluorescent lights.

Decorative tomatoes in the pot, like street plants, need top dressing and a garter. Fertilize them every 10 days (use universal fertilizers for tomatoes). When the bush becomes large enough or the ovary appears, the plant should be tied up. This will help avoid contact of future fruits with the ground and their decay, and will also promote a good ventilation of the bush itself.

Do not forget about pollination. Tomatoes have the property of self-pollinating, but for better tying fruit it is recommended to shake the flowering plant once every few days. One bush is usually collected within 15-20 fruits.

Sit at home decorative indoor tomatoes and surprise your guests always with fresh and environmentally friendly tomatoes!