Natural stone for the facade

No matter how many masters of artificial stone or other materials compete with nature, it can not be defeated. The facades of houses made of natural stone always look richer and more reliable. Its advantage is especially noticeable in places with difficult climatic conditions. Gifts of the Earth are designed for millennia. Therefore, the facade cladding with natural stone is the choice, first of all, in favor of durability and practicality.

Natural stone for the facade - types

Decorating the facade of the house with a natural stone strikes us with a variety of colors and the uniqueness of each piece taken from wildlife. In addition, the stone looks harmoniously with almost any of the building materials. Often it is used for partial facing of the house, for example, corners, socle or slopes. Sometimes this is enough to make a small fortress out of your home. And such elements of the facade as a balcony, staircase or columns of natural stone look just luxurious.

The most often used in the construction of houses are granite, sandstone and limestone. Each of them has its own shortcomings and advantages.

The most durable is granite , it differs in its hardness and density. Since the weight of the stone affects the condition of the building, it is rarely used for continuous facade cladding. It's hard to work with granite. Masterpieces from it are created only by real masters. The most demanded is the sandstone , which combines excellent characteristics with an affordable price. If you are attracted by light shades, this stone will do the best. Brown color in comparison with beige in nature is much less common. Uniqueness of the house can give a combination of natural stone of different color shades.

Of the two types of sandstone, they prefer siliceous, which is much harder than loose. With a stone it is easy to work, it is pleasant to the touch, and a variety of textures extends the design possibilities.

Ecological and decorative features limestone . The stone is dense, easily polished. Therefore, it is often used to create complex elements for facing buildings. Its disadvantage is low resistance to frost. To preserve the integrity of the facade, apply water repellent.

Among other stones, zeolite, quartzite, andesite, and Bulgarian slate are used.

New in the decoration of facades with natural stone were tiles made of this material, mosaic and even paintings.