Thickening of the placenta

The fact that not everything is in order with the placenta, future mothers, as a rule, recognize on ultrasound examination. The most common diagnosis is thickening of the placenta. We will understand, than the placenta thickens, why this pathology arises and how to eliminate it.

Placenta Thickness - Causes

The main cause of thickening of the placenta is its premature aging. During pregnancy, the placenta passes through the following stages: formation (up to 16 weeks), growth, maturity and aging. There are so-called degrees of maturity of the placenta :

Each degree of maturity corresponds to a certain thickness of the placenta. If the ultrasound is determined by a thick placenta, this means that the child's place can no longer perform its functions effectively. However, the thickening of the placenta may have other causes:

What is dangerous is thickening of the placenta?

Since the thickened placenta can not cope with its functions, the baby receives insufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrition. This leads to fetal hypoxia, a delay in its growth and development. In addition, there may be a threat of termination of pregnancy, and in especially severe cases a child may die before birth.

Thickening of the placenta - treatment

If the ultrasound revealed a thicker placenta , the doctor will additionally prescribe additional studies: cardiotocography, dopplerometry and hormone tests.

The main principle of treatment is to eliminate the cause of thickening of the placenta. Also, pregnant women are prescribed vitamins and preparations for the treatment of hypoxia and fetal hypotrophy: Kurantil, Vktovegin, Essentiale, and others.