Dissociative identity disorder

Dissociative identity disorder is a group of mental disorders characterized by a disorder or change in mental functions.

The cause of such disorders is still not determined, because of which doctors do not classify dissociative phenomena as diseases. Diagnosis of patients with dissociative disorders does not reveal any organic lesions. The reason for dissociation is likely to be in the sphere of the psyche . The absence of close people, the presence of anxiety factors, childhood trauma, drug addiction and alcoholism can lead to mental health problems and the appearance of unusual symptoms.

Types of dissociative states

Dissociative disorders can affect a person's consciousness, memory and his perception of himself as a person.

  1. Multiple personality is the most common dissociative personality disorder. It is also called splitting personality and multiple personality syndrome. In this case, human behavior is caused by the influence of two or more internal personalities. In this case, each person exists and interacts with the environment separately from the other. In order to diagnose the splitting of the personality, it is sufficient to record the presence of two controlling individuals in a person.
  2. Dissociative amnesia is a way to escape a person from traumatic reality. It flows more heavily than usual amnesia. Occurs after situations that have a negative emotional impact on a person. In this case, a person disrupts the relationship between actions and continuity, thoughts and events. Dissociative amnesia helps to hide traumatic memories in order to preserve mental health.
  3. Dissociative stupor differs from physiological in that it does not have physiological prerequisites, that is, the person's physical health corresponds to the norm. The reason for this stupor is in the field of mental ill health, stress and intrapersonal conflicts.
  4. Somatoform vegetative disorder is a disorder that does not have organic states. With such a disorder, the patient may complain of wandering or persistent pain, but doctors after the diagnosis describe the condition of such a patient as healthy. The cause of somatoform autonomic disorder is sometimes caused by stress and anxiety. However, in some cases, the basis of the disorder can not be identified.

Prevention of all dissociative disorders is the correct perception of negative emotional situations, the ability to get out of stress and follow a healthy lifestyle .