Design of the corridor in the apartment

As usual, the corridor in any apartment is a small area without windows, but with a lot of doors. This is the hallway through which we pass into the living rooms, hurrying to do our own business. However, when designing the corridor design in a modern apartment, it should be borne in mind that this premise is the first that you and your guests see when entering the house.

Let's talk about how to approach the interior design of your corridor in order to, first, make a good impression and, secondly, to turn these useless square meters into a cozy and functional room. First of all, you need to build on the area and shape of the corridor, as well as the size and design of the entire apartment.

Design of a long narrow corridor

As a rule, in multi-storey houses built on standard projects, the corridor is a narrow and long passage room. It is difficult to place anything out of furniture, but correctly designed design, the corridor can be visually expanded and give it some functionality.

Since there are usually no windows in the corridors, first of all you need to think over the question of lighting. First, you should always choose a wallpaper of light colors. Secondly, instead of one light source, it is better to place several identical lamps or wall sconces along one wall. Also, you can successfully use point lighting, especially if the apartment is dominated by a design in the style of high-tech or modern.

As for furniture, instead of cumbersome cabinets in a small hallway, flat hangers and miniature shelves for small things will look better. If the design of your corridor assumes a niche in the wall, the ideal solution will be a built-in locker for shoes or a small chest of drawers.

Design of a large square corridor

Unlike narrow corridors, in modern apartments the design of the hallway is much easier to beat. In a spacious square room, you can place furniture that takes up excess space in living rooms - bookshelves, closets. Also here it will be appropriate to look a cozy sofa or sofa. However, do not block the room with furniture - it should look appropriate and concise.

To the square corridor did not look too empty, it would be reasonable to apply the principle of zoning. Separate the entrance area of ​​the corridor from the rest, more "residential" square meters using a colored floor tile or archway. Thus, you will get an additional room, which can be successfully used as a home library or a resting place. Place on the walls paintings or photographs within the framework, along the walls put several bookcases or shelves with souvenirs, which are usually so difficult to find a place in the apartment - and your corridor will acquire the long-awaited coziness!

Design wall paper in the corridor

If your apartment is designed in a certain style, then its elements must necessarily be present in the corridor. Do not completely glue the room with the same wallpaper - it will be enough to place the accents correctly.

As already mentioned above, wallpaper in the corridor is desirable to use light colors. The color scheme usually does not depend on the size and shape of the corridor - any room without windows is better to visually expand. Most advantageous look wallpaper pastel colors: beige, pale pink, coffee, tender blue, etc.

The modern market of finishing materials offers us and other various coatings for walls. This is decorative plaster , and so-called liquid wallpaper , and textured paint. It is interesting to look at the design of the corridor with a decorative stone, partially or completely adorning the walls of the hallway. For today it is an actual and fashionable trend in the design of the corridor of a modern apartment.