Interior curtains

Interior curtains - a design solution, which is gaining popularity again. This is due to the fact that the modern interiors of many apartments tend to unite space, the arrangement of several functional areas in one room. For their separation, interior partitions with curtains for arches or passageways are used.

Interior curtains made of wood

A variety of technologies and materials are used to produce interroom blinds. The most environmentally friendly and safe decorative curtains are made of wood. The pieces of wood are processed, polished, shaped into shape, and then assembled with a kapron thread of the required length. A certain number of such threads are attached to the base, creating a complete curtain, which when released makes a pleasant dull sound. A variety of wooden are decorative interroom curtains made of bamboo .

Curtains of interior from beads

By the same principle as described above, unusual curtains of beads are created. For their production, acrylic blanks of various sizes and colors are usually used. The advantage over the wooden curtains is that, due to the variety of colors, such curtains can be easily combined with almost any interior and room environment, as well as the fact that such curtains let in the sunlight that is necessary for additional lighting of the room.

Interior curtains-curtains

Finally, the most traditional option for designing interroom passages is the use of a variety of textiles. Usually for curtains on doors or arches the same fabric is used as for window curtains, which is in the room. However, you can pick up other material, the main thing is that it has something in common with the window, either in color or in texture. Also, additional convenience for the owners will be a system of picking up curtains with cords or decorative hooks, which will slightly open the passage and protect the curtain from accidental tearing of excessive pollution.