Biscuit on a lemonade in a multivariate

Preparing a biscuit with lemonade at the base seems like a strange idea until you try the first piece. Juicy, full of interesting citrus flavor and at the same time a very airy biscuit on a lemonade is easily prepared in a multivariate and will become an excellent base for your favorite cakes .

A simple biscuit on lemonade with gas

Due to the high content of carbon dioxide in the drink, lemonade biscuit turns out to be incredibly lush. In addition to soda pop with citrus flavor, you can use creme brulee, or another sweet carbonated drink to taste.



Before preparing a biscuit on the lemonade, prepare a mixture of the dry ingredients listed. After mixing them, beat the eggs together with sugar until a creamy mass forms. To the resulting mixture pour the highly carbonated lemonade and vegetable oil. In portions add the liquid ingredients to the dry ones, and distribute the finished batter mixed in an oiled multi-cup.

Use the "Baking" mode, setting the timer for 60 + 40 minutes. The last 40 minutes can be added without opening the lid.

Biscuit on a lemonade in a multivariate - recipe

If you are confused by a large amount of vegetable oil, universally indicated among the traditional recipes of lemonade biscuits, then prepare a biscuit on a lemonade without vegetable oil. Vegetable fat can be replaced with a small amount of butter, however, the total volume of baking will suffer a little.



Start with the biscuit base for which you should beat up the sugar along with the eggs before forming a creamy mass. To the resulting mixture pour melted butter and repeat whipping. Drink the base with vanillin and go to the second stage, for which you will need to combine the flour with the baking powder. When the dry base is ready, pour the egg-and-oil mixture to it, followed by the highly carbonated lemonade. After stirring, pour everything into the oiled multivach bowl and set the "Baking" mode. The cooking time remains the same - 60 + 40 minutes.