New Year's competitions for children 7-8 years old

There is not always an opportunity or the desire to invite a professional Santa Claus to a holiday for children. But it will not be a problem if you know a few interesting New Year's contests for children 7-8 years old to cheer guests up.

New Year's competitions for children 7-8 years in the room

As a rule, for kids of preschool age, holiday fun is very simple, and they will not be surprised by schoolchildren. But New Year's contests for children from 7-8 years old and up to 10-12 years are more complicated. They, despite the difference in age, fit for any age group of schoolchildren.

  1. "We count to three." This is a competition for attention. One of the children who heard Father Frost say the figure "three" gets a prize from his bag. But it's not so easy to do it because the leader keeps score in order, rather than in order, deliberately ignoring the figure that everyone needs. The right figure may sound like "one hundred and three" or "one hundred and thirty".
  2. "What are the trees?" Lead - Santa Claus or Snow Maiden, at a very fast pace called the quality of the forest beauty - high, wide, thin and so on. Children should show their hands what the leader says. Out of the competition, the one who mixed up and spread his hands to the sides, instead of showing his height, is eliminated.
  3. "The song about the Christmas tree". Contests for children often come to attention, like this one. The Snow Maiden begins to sing to everyone the famous Song about the Christmas tree with the children. But suddenly the music breaks off and everyone should continue to sing the song not out loud, but to himself. As soon as the music is resumed, the children continue to sing aloud, and those who have lost their rhythm or confused words, drop out of the match.
  4. "Big snowballs." With the help of adults, children from wide adhesive tape and newspapers make big and dense balls - this will be snowballs. At a certain distance, more baskets are installed, into which the participants must get snow. The team that wins the basket is the winner.
  5. "We collect snowballs". The game uses the same balls of their newspapers and scotch. Grandfather Frost pours them under the Christmas tree, and the children compete, collecting them for speed. The winner is the one who scored the most such improvised snowballs in his basket.

New Year's competitions for children 7-8 years in the open air

The older the children become, the more serious the contests are. Children like not only fun indoors, but also in the open air:

  1. "Blind Snowball." Funny contests can be led not only indoors, but also near the decorated in the yard of a living Christmas tree. Participants can compete in groups or singly. It is necessary to roll up as much as possible a snowball, having outstripped at the same time other participants. The one who wins the biggest snowball is the winner.
  2. "Target". Cured snowballs can be used for their intended purpose. Only this will not be a snow fight, but a competition for accuracy and dexterity. At some distance a target is chosen - some wooden shield, which you need to get into.
  3. "The original snowman." A traditional snowman has a bucket and a carrot on his head instead of a nose. But if you apply fantasy, you can very unusual decorate and dress up snowmen and arrange a beauty contest for them, choosing the winner.
  4. "The fastest". Participants of the contest become the back to the Christmas tree in a round dance. Behind them there must be a place so that the one who leads can freely run between the tree and the children. The driver runs behind his back so that no one sees him. He strikes one of the participants on the shoulder and continues to run. The selected person, in turn, also starts to run, but in the opposite direction. Who the faster of them will get to the vacant place and take it, becomes a round dance, and the game continues.
  5. "Wishes". Everyone in the New Year wishes each other every possible blessing. Children break up into pairs and wish without stopping everything that comes to mind. The one who stopped for five seconds, loses.