Games for the development of fine motor skills - the best lessons for kids

Games for the development of fine motor skills contribute to the improvement of important brain centers of the brain and the central nervous system as a whole. Since the birth of the child, it is important to pay considerable attention to this. Through the game, the kid learns and knows the world.

What is fine motor skills?

Outstanding Soviet teacher V. Sukhomlinsky believed that the child's mind is concentrated on the tips of his fingers. So what is the fine motor skills of the hands? This is a coordinated movement of a person aimed at making precise, small movements with hands and fingers:

Why develop small motor skills in children?

One of the important conditions for the normal psychophysical development of the child is a multifaceted stimulation of the motor activity. The fine motor skills of the hands for the development of speech plays a huge role. It would seem, what kind of relationship is there? The human brain is arranged so that the speech and motor center are located next to each other, so small movements of the hands stimulate speech in the child. Games for the development of fine motor skills:

When to start developing small motor skills?

The development of fine motor skills in children should begin soon after birth. Gentle tactile touch, stroking the palms and fingers of the child will affect the centers of the brain in the most positive way. Every day, you have to give the infant to small motor skills for a while, and the efforts will pay off to the joy of the parents and the child. Children who have been playing finger games since infancy begin early to speak and actively develop intellectually.

Means of development of fine motor skills

Toys for the development of fine motor skills can be bought in children's shops, but many are not difficult to produce by themselves, the child will be happy to play. An important condition: small details are given under supervision, you can not leave the baby alone. Here's what you can use for games:

Games for the development of fine motor skills for children

For each age period of the child there are specific features in development. Young parents are encouraged to learn how and what happens to their baby, and to deal with it in accordance with its capabilities. Finger games for young children are considered the most simple, but fascinating and bringing a lot of positive emotions. Gradually, when a child grows up, the games become more complicated.

Development of fine motor skills up to 1 year

In the first months of life, the baby keeps fingers in the fist due to hypertonicity, and during the sleep the muscles relax. The task of the parents is to teach the child to hold and clamp the objects in the cam, for this it is necessary to stimulate a grasping reflex. Massage of palms and fingers relaxes and reduces the hypertonicity, characteristic for the first months of life. Finger games for children up to the year:

  1. Massage (from birth), kneading fingers, it is useful to tickle your palms.
  2. The rattle (from 2-3 months) is inserted alternately, then into one pen, then to the other.
  3. Approaching the rattle to the face of the baby and then taking it away so that it stretches.
  4. Massage of fingers and palms with verses ("Soroka-beloboka", "Ladushki-ladushki").
  5. Toys with beads and rings (5-7 months) - the child likes to touch them.
  6. Massage balls.
  7. Soft cubes.
  8. Games with pyramids (7-12 months).
  9. Toys-pishchalki.

Here, what other games can be for children up to a year on the development of fine motor skills:

  1. Throwing a ball to the kid.
  2. Play hide and seek (the item hides under the diaper, and the child is looking for it).
  3. Catching small toys from the bathroom and folding them into a basin.

The development of fine motor skills does not involve the purchase of some expensive toys, some can be made from improvised means and the baby will be interested in researching them. Many mothers noticed that bought toys quickly get bored, and for some reason the child is interested in simple household items, for example, containers with screw caps. Finger games for children from the year require more variety.

Fine motor skills for children 2-3 years old

At the age of 2-3 years, with normal psychophysical development, the child already has many skills:

Finger games for children 2 years old:

  1. Games with colored clothes pegs . The game options with this handy material are a few, the easiest is sorting by colors. Designing - to prepare templates of little animals, objects and ask the child to make the sun rays, and the hedgehog needles.
  2. Drawing with cotton buds . You can print interesting pictures and ask the baby to put the dots in the picture (for example, decorate with a pea doll dress or anoint the green with a sick elephant).
  3. Modeling . You will need dough and clay. You can make pies, koloboks.
  4. Lines . Drawing on harvested templates.
  5. Games with pipette . The pipet is filled with water and is discharged into the prepared containers with cells.

Finger games for children of 3 years are useful to do together with memorizing and reciting aloud poems and nursery rhymes. Examples of such games:

Kotik (the child carries out actions in meaning)

Kitty poohs his hands (performs wash operations),

It is evident that he is going to visit guests,

I washed my nose,

I washed my mouth,

I washed my ear,

Wiped dry.

We drew (arms smoothly rise before themselves and are shaken)

We painted today,

Our fingers are tired,

Our fingers will be shaken;

Again, we'll start drawing.

Development of fine motor skills in preschool children

Games for the development of fine motor skills in the preschool age become more complex. Children really like to play in the finger theater. The child puts on the index finger of each hand a toy - the head of a character of a famous fairy tale, for example "Repka" or "Kolobok" and performs the actions characteristic for these fairy tales. Development of fine motor skills of preschool children - examples of games:

Two beetles

In the clearing two beetles

Danced the hopak (the child dances, hands on the belt),

Right leg, top, top (stomping with right foot),

Left leg, top, top (stomping right foot),

Pens up, up, up (pulls his hands up).

Who will raise above all (gets on toes, stretches upwards)!


The butterfly flew, flew (waving handles),

On the flower of the village (crouches),

Wings folded (knobs on the knees),

The little ones fed (folded palms bring to the mouth).

Development of fine motor skills in school-age children

Junior school age is active learning new skills and knowledge. At school, the development of fine motor skills in children continues, the actions become more complex. At school age, motor skills are developed through the following activities:

  1. Modeling.
  2. Creation of applications (cutting from paper with scissors on the contour, then gluing), origami.
  3. Designing (Lego).
  4. Games with ropes (tying and unraveling knots).
  5. Painting.