Mysteries about the spring for preschoolers

Puzzles remain one of the most popular entertainments for preschool children at all times. Guys, guessing funny puzzles in verse or prose, are charged with positive energy and a good mood for a long time.

What are the benefits of puzzles for children?

Solving of riddles is not only a mischievous and cheerful activity, but also incredibly useful for the development of intelligence of small geniuses. The riddle forms the child's ability to listen attentively, develop imagination, representation, as well as abstract, logical, imaginative, creative, non-standard and associative thinking.

To find the right answer, the child is forced to create in his imagination the image of the subject, which is discussed in the text. Further, this image needs to be compared and compared with others, to catch the desired features and establish logical connections between different objects. In addition, the puzzle accentuates the attention of the baby on certain features or properties of the guessed object. Often in the text there is an opposition of some feature similar to the properties of other objects. Having found the answer, the little one not only enjoys his success, but also gets a certain confidence in his abilities. In addition, puzzles contribute to the formation of correct and competent speech. All these skills and abilities will be incredibly useful during further training of the kid in school, especially at first.

Usually puzzles are selected for a particular holiday, event or season, thereby causing the baby certain associations. Also, in the process of guessing the riddles, the child will be able to learn the names of animals and plants, fruits and vegetables, rainbow colors and much, much more. The child in an easy game form enriches the vocabulary and expands his horizons, he learns new properties of objects, which, it would seem, already know everything.

The favorite theme of parents and teachers for guessing puzzles together with children are the seasons. Especially it is convenient to do during the walk - the kids see with their own eyes any changes in the weather, the appearance of buds on trees, beautiful flowers in flower beds in spring and summer, snowdrifts and ice skating rinks - in winter. In a clear example, you can demonstrate to your child what happens to nature and why, supplementing your story with gay riddles.

In this article we offer you some riddles for preschoolers about spring - a favorite for many seasons that will soon please us with the warm rays of bright sun and fresh green grass.

Spring puzzles for children with answers

Suddenly a sparrow twittered

After winter cold,

The sun is brighter and warmer,

On the paths of a puddle.

All frozen nature

Awoke from a dream,

The bad weather recedes,

It comes to us ... (spring)


Green eyes, cheerful,

The beautiful maiden.

As a gift, she brought us,

What everyone will like:

The greens - to the leaves, to us - the heat,

Magic - that everything bloom.

She was followed by birds -

Songs to sing all the masters.

Guess who she is?

This girl is ... (spring)


In warm sun boots,

With an eye on the fasteners,

In the snow runs a boy -

The snow frightens, shalunishka:

Just set foot - it melted snow,

The ice split by the rivers.

He seized his excitement:

And this boy ... (March)


There is a forest, fields and mountains,

All the meadows and gardens.

He knocks at all,

She sings by the water.

"Wake up! Wake up!

Sing, laugh, smile! "

A pipe is audible far away.

It wakes everyone up ... (April)


The baby is running in the bunnies,

You hear his footsteps.

He is running, and everything is blooming,

He laughs - he sings everything.

Hid happiness in the petals

At the lilac on the bushes ...

"My lily of the valley, taste good!" -

He commanded a cheerful ... (May)

Such riddles, in addition to all the above positive qualities, form a sense of rhythm in the child and introduce him to the concept of rhyme. At the same time, guessing them is quite simple, and children are incredibly fond of this occupation. It is especially useful to offer such riddles in a group of preschool children - thus, between children there is a kind of competition in which everyone will strive to respond before others.

Meanwhile, not all riddles have a poetic form, in which the answer is the last word of the poem. In prose, this version of the game becomes much more difficult, and not always even adults can respond quickly and correctly. Such puzzles are more suitable for the individual lessons of parents with the child, when the mother or father can explain in detail what is required of the baby, if he can not independently guess what he has conceived.

We bring to your attention short childhood riddles about the spring, which differ from the previous ones not only in length, but also in the nature of guessing the answer:

The snow melts, the meadow revives.

The day arrives. When does this happen? (Spring)


In a blue shirt

A gully runs along the bottom. (Creek)


White Peas

On the green leg. (lily of the valley)


The sun burns my top,

He wants to make a rattle. (poppy)


Out of the snow came a friend -

And in the spring it suddenly began to smell. (snowdrop)


Yellow it will be, while young

And he will grow old and become gray! (dandelion)