When can I give the baby pasta?

Find a baby who refuses such a wonderful dish, like pasta, is almost impossible. They are very tasty, you can play with them fun (screwing yourself on your finger and hurling, each other). And macaroni of all colors of a rainbow and variously looking (spirals, curls, asterisks, cockleshells) will not leave small dreamers indifferent to them.

How useful are pasta?

Macaroni are the real storehouse of essential substances for the body of every human being. Producers do their best to make their product as balanced as possible in terms of vitamins, minerals and amino acids (the "building material" of protein tissue). In order to further saturate macaroni with essential amino acids (i.e. those amino acids that are not produced in the body itself, so their constant intake with food is necessary), the recipe also includes egg raw materials.

Macaroni for children

Separately there are pasta, designed for baby food. They differ from other macaroni by the presence of additives of casein, iron, group of vitamins B and PP, increased content of amino acids and various proteins. Macaroni for kids, as a rule, have an attractive appearance (important, if you want your chudushko not turn away from the plate with them). Also, from a practical point of view, it is very convenient that their preparation will take only 3 to 5 minutes (a shorter heat treatment time will save the maximum amount of useful substances).

At what age can macaroni be for children?

Many happy parents ask a reasonable question, is it possible to introduce pasta to children for up to a year? The answer to this question is not straightforward. Most pediatricians are extremely negative about the introduction to the diet of a child under the age of one year of pasta. They motivate this by the fact that in the body of children of this age there are no enzymes necessary for the digestion of floury raw materials (as a result, too early introduction of this can lead to a variety of digestive disorders). It is believed that you can offer pasta to a one-year-old child. On the other hand, on the shelves of shops you can find pasta, adapted for the body crumbs, in the form of pasta (it can be given, starting at 8 months of age).

What kind of pasta to buy?

The best option is to give preference to the pasta of group "A" (made from flour of solid varieties of wheat of higher, first and second grades). They are most useful. Also very important is the fact that the starch and proteins of these products are strongly interconnected and therefore the complex carbohydrates that they are are digested gradually. The organism has to expend a lot of energy to assimilate these compounds, this allows not to fear the occurrence of unwanted weight in the child (excessive fat deposits can inhibit the physical development and gaining the skill of crawling, walking). Children's nutritionists strongly recommend that the baby do not offer pasta more than 2 to 3 times a week. It is not necessary to introduce fast food pasta into your baby's diet (for them, technology is used that they are initially cooked and then dried - losing most of their useful properties). In the process of making pasta dishes, you should remember that they must be constantly stirred, and after cooking (not stick together) add sunflower oil or simply pass cold water. The addition of vegetable oils in the finished dish will enrich it with vitamin E. The baby needs to be interested, so do not forget to add a drop of fantasy and love to pasta.