Mouse fever - how to protect yourself from a formidable infection?

Rodents are typical carriers of very dangerous diseases for humans. Field and house mice often transmit hantavirus, which can cause hemorrhagic fever with severe kidney syndrome. Without adequate treatment, pathology can lead to irreversible complications and even death.

Mouse fever - how can you get infected?

The group of special risk of infection described by the disease includes rural residents and tourism lovers. How is the mouse fever transmitted:

  1. Air-dust method. The person inhales small particles with feces of the rodent-carrier.
  2. Contact. Damage to the skin comes into contact with any objects infected with the virus of murine fever.
  3. Alimaric way. Consumption of water or products infected with excrement.

The incubation period of murine fever

After infection before the appearance of characteristic signs takes 4-46 days, often this stage takes 20-25 days. The virus of mouse fever for the specified time multiplies and spreads throughout the body. Pathogenic cells accumulate in tissues and lymph nodes, provoking early symptoms. The rate at which murine fever progresses in the incubation period depends solely on the stability of the immune system. The more active it is, the longer the body will fight infection.

Mouse fever - symptoms

The clinical picture of the pathology in question has 3 stages:

  1. The initial. The stage lasts about 72 hours, often - less. Manifestations are nonspecific, so the diagnosis of the virus in this period is difficult.
  2. The oligurical. There are renal and hemorrhagic signs of murine fever. The stage lasts 5-11 days.
  3. Polyuric. The severity of the symptoms of the disease decreases, the recovery stage begins.

The first signs of murine fever

The early clinic of the presented infection strongly resembles an acute respiratory disease. The first symptoms of murine fever:

Sometimes the murine fever manifests less sharply, periodically making itself felt light cough, malaise and drowsiness. In such situations, she is often confused with a commonplace cold and does not address a specialist. After 2-3 days, these symptoms are rapidly progressing, and pathology passes to the next, the most difficult, stage of development - oliguric.

Analysis for murine fever

Diagnosis of the described disease occurs when there are pronounced clinical signs of viral infection. Mouse fever is a symptom of the second stage of progression:

After the oliguric the polyuric, the last period of development of murine fever, begins. All these signs, except for weakness and drowsiness, subsided, urine is released in increased amounts, up to 5 liters per day. Normalization of appetite and sleep indicates a gradual recovery. With the correct treatment of murine fever, the functioning of the kidneys is completely restored.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out after a thorough examination and a detailed history. On the 5th-7th day from the anticipated moment of infection with fever, a serological blood test, a coagulogram and a general urinalysis, are additionally controlled by diuresis. In some cases, the search for antibodies (immunoglobulins M) to hantavirus is performed.

Mouse fever - treatment

Therapy of infection is developed individually and is carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. The patient is prescribed strict bed rest (up to 4 weeks) and medication. Than to treat a mouse fever:

As maintenance therapy regular infusions with glucose (5%) and physiological solution are performed, vitamin complexes are intravenously administered. Mouse fever with complications and kidney damage may require hemodialysis at the oliguric stage of progression. After restoration of the functions of the urinary system, the procedures are terminated.

With a mouse fever

If the disease is normal, without severe consequences and acute deterioration of renal activity, the patient is recommended table number 4 for Pevzner. Of the diet must be excluded:

When hemorrhagic murine fever is accompanied by a severe disruption of the urinary system, feeding the infectious disease patient should be rich in vitamins B, C and K, diet No. 1 is prescribed. This diet is more extended, in this case are allowed:

Mouse fever - consequences

The main complication of hantavirus is kidney damage:

Mouse fever sometimes provokes more dangerous consequences:

Mouse fever - prevention

Prevent infection with the virus is easy, if you exclude direct and indirect contact with rodents. It is a mistake to believe that the mouse fever is transmitted from person to person. Hantavirus can be infected solely from animals, so it is important:

  1. Protect food, sources of water.
  2. Wash hands before each meal.
  3. Do not eat food damaged in mice.
  4. Thermally process the products.
  5. Check all food stored in cellars or other places available to rodents.
  6. Do not contact animal products.