New Year's crafts with children

How wonderful it all is that there is such a wonderful holiday as the New Year. After all, it's an occasion to get together with the whole family, visit friends and relatives, and most importantly spend time with your kids. No less adults, children are carried away by the pre-holiday turmoil and they take part with special enthusiasm and zeal in preparing for the magical event - the New Year's Eve. What are only new-year crafts made with small children's handles. Kids do garlands, balls on the Christmas tree, cut out snowflakes - the fantasies of young masters there is no limit, but the skills and skills may not be enough. Therefore, parents have a unique opportunity to show care and diversify the leisure time of their child, or rather, together to make a few crafts for the New Year theme.

Your attention is offered options for pre-holiday creativity, which can be used as an ornament of the interior, a gift, a Christmas tree toy.

Children's New Year crafts from cardboard or paper

Bright and unusual Christmas-tree toys made by themselves will become a real decoration for our forest guests. And what is most interesting, making them simple is simple, using such elementary handy tools, which, for sure, are in every house. Consider a detailed instruction on how to make such wonderful stars, using dense colored paper or cardboard.

So, to create our masterpiece, you need to prepare:

Now we will proceed directly to manufacturing.

  1. First, cut out a template printed on a regular sheet, and transfer it to a cardboard (paper) of two different colors. Then we cut out the received color elements.
  2. There are three triangles on our preforms. So, each of them bend in half, and then unbend it back.
  3. Now on the triangles appeared skladochki, on them we add a detail, as shown in the photo.
  4. Thus, we have obtained two identical elements, which we will connect with each other.

New Year's articles from pasta and cardboard

This is another excellent, and easy to make, version of crafts for the New Year theme for kids and adults.

A very original Christmas tree of pasta will be a nice addition to your New Year's interior. To produce it you will need:

So, let's start:

  1. From the cardboard we make a cone and install it on the base.
  2. Then, with the help of an adhesive gun, we'll begin to glue the macaroni from the bottom up.
  3. After all the feathers are glued, we will paint our Christmas tree in a conceived color.

By the way, you can do other New Year's articles with pasta from pasta , for example, snowflakes, butterflies, because it's very exciting and beautiful.

New Year's articles from pine cones

Not more than an hour of time, a little patience and effort will be required from you to create a magnificent Christmas tree of their cones.

Before starting work we prepare the necessary natural material and tools:

Now, following the instructions, we will begin to make a masterpiece:

  1. We will paint our cones in the chosen color (you can put glue on the bump, and then sprinkle it with sequins).
  2. While the paint dries, we'll tackle the base - you can make a cone of cardboard or buy a ready-made foam and paint it in green.
  3. When the base is ready and the cones are dried, we begin to form the herringbone. Gently, in a circle, from below up attach each knob to the base, starting with the largest. If the basis of the tree is the cardboard, then stick the bumps, if the foam, then to the base of each knob, we wind the wire and stick it into the foam cone.
  4. That's actually ready and our New Year's craft, to decorate it, you can use a serpentine, bows, balls. All these elements are attached with the help of liquid nails, and the streamer or rain can simply be thrown from above.