Fleece lamb

With the approach of the New Year, each of us starts to think about New Year's gifts and souvenirs. And there is no better gift for relatives, friends, and just kind friends than a souvenir made by oneself in the form of an animal symbol of the coming year. In today's master class we will teach you how to sew a soft and good sheep from a soft fleece - a symbol of the approaching 2015 .

  1. We begin work on our fleece sheep from the pattern. Depending on what size we want to receive a lamb, we draw on paper all the details of the future toy. It will consist of such parts: the front and back of the head - 1 piece, half of the trunk - 2 parts, the ear - 4 parts, claws - 2 parts. On the details of the head and trunk, do not forget to outline the darts, in order for the finished parts to have a three-dimensional shape.
  2. We cut out all parts of our toy from a soft fleece of white color and we grind the tucks. Do not forget that our ears will be two-sided, that is, one part of each ear should be cut from white fleece, and the second - from pink fleece. Sew the details of the ears in pairs.
  3. Stitch together the head and trunk parts in pairs, and fill them with sintepon. When sewing the head, do not forget to sew ears to it. Now you need to attach the legs to the body. We will make them from a thin lace or thick kapron thread. To fix the legs on the trunk is easiest, having passed a string into a thick "gypsy" needle with a large eyelet and sewing a trunk to them. At the ends of laces-legs we tie knots.
  4. After this, go to the production of hooves. We will cut them out of a fabric of contrasting color and fasten them on the legs, pulling them together with a thread and a needle.
  5. We collect all parts of our toys together. We sew on the head eyes and a smile, and on the neck we tie a bow. Our charming fleece tilde-tilde is ready!