Folk remedies for coughing during pregnancy

Any illnesses during pregnancy are dangerous and extremely undesirable, because both suffer - Mom, and her baby. Even a common runny nose carries a hidden threat, because it makes breathing difficult and as a result leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus. It is fraught with unpleasant consequences and cough.

Of course, we know that coughing is just an effect. It can appear with such diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, tracheitis and this is not a complete list. It is extremely dangerous in pregnancy to dry cough, because in addition to wandering through the body of the infection, which it provoked, from constant tension and twitching, bleeding may occur (most often this happens if the crumb is very low, or a placenta previa is diagnosed in a woman). Also, cough negatively affects the pace of development and growth of the baby, in particular "from the unknown" suffers barely formed nervous system crumbs, access to nutrients and oxygen to the baby is difficult.

Therefore, the expectant mother should take immediate action when an unpleasant symptom occurs.

How to treat cough during pregnancy with folk remedies?

Many medications are forbidden to future mothers - this at times complicates and inhibits the treatment process. Therefore, women in the situation are increasingly turning for help to traditional medicine. Folk remedies for cough for pregnant women should be selected competently, because, despite their naturalness, they can also harm the fetus. So, what can be done? Effective when coughing and absolutely safe:

  1. Familiar to us from childhood, a compress with honey, easy to prepare - a thin layer of honey is applied to the chest and throat, polyethylene is put on top, and something warm (shawl, stole, towel). Will come to the rescue and the usual potatoes, which must be boiled, slightly suppressed, put in a bag, wrapped in a scrap and put on the chest for 10-15 minutes. For the whole night on the chest, you can put a compress made of cabbage leaf, smeared with honey. Alternative to the latter can make badger and mutton fat.
  2. Inhalations. Having a home nebulizer, you can easily use other folk remedies for cough for pregnant women, namely, to carry out inhalations with herbal medicinal decoctions. With a dry cough, you can brew a lime blossom, St. John's wort, chamomile chamomile, with a wet - turn, eucalyptus, cranberries. Warm inhalations can be done with essential oils, herbs, mineral water.
  3. Another proven folk remedy for dry cough during pregnancy is rinsing. This procedure should be carried out as often as possible, using herbal decoctions, ordinary water with the addition of soda or salt.
  4. Treatment of cough during pregnancy with folk remedies assumes the intake of various infusions. For example, the juice of black radish with honey - "cough mixture", tested by generations. You can also boil in the milk (0,5 l) figs (4-5 pcs.) Add a little honey and drink 2-3 times a day for 100 ml. An excellent expectorant is hot milk with the addition of butter or cocoa butter, with a pinch of soda and honey.

It is worth noting that the treatment of cough during pregnancy with folk remedies is also accompanied by certain risks. In particular, you need to be careful with herbs and essential oils. Refuse is from mustard plasters and cans, you can not soar your feet and bask in a hot bath.