Nimesil and alcohol

Strongly-acting anti-inflammatory drugs sometimes contain antibiotics in the formulation. The agent under consideration does not apply to them, although it is a very effective analgesic. Nevertheless, Nimesil and alcohol categorically can not be consumed in one day, because this can lead to irreversible effects in the body.

Nimesil and alcohol compatibility

Cleavage of ethyl alcohol occurs in the liver, while producing a toxic substance called acetaldehyde. Moderate portions of alcohol do not provoke cell death, whereas alcohol abuse leads to the replacement of hepatic tissue by the connective tissue. Thus, strong drinks have a toxic effect on the body, destroying liver cells. The active component of Nimesil is nimesulide, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance that, in addition to anesthetizing, produces an antipyretic effect. It is a weak toxin, which, like acetaldehyde, is capable of destroying liver cells at doses exceeding those recommended in the instructions. In side effects to the drug in question, it is indicated that one of the negative effects of medication treatment may be a violation of liver function, as well as hepatitis . Therefore, Nimesil and alcohol are undesirable to combine, because the simultaneous use of harmful substances for the blood-forming organ cross-reinforces their action.

Is it possible to take Nimesil with alcohol, and what is their interaction?

In the instruction to the described drug, there is no indication that Nimesil and alcohol are incompatible, as well as no description of the mechanisms of interaction. But it should be noted that the metabolism (cleavage) of nimesulide occurs with the participation of a special enzyme - isoenzyme cytochrome. As it turned out, it also promotes the breakdown of ethanol compounds in the liver. Thus, the simultaneous use of the drug with alcohol provokes excessive production of this enzyme and, as a consequence, an increase in the toxic load on the liver.

Moreover, due to the lack of research on Nimesil's interactions with strong drinks, there is no evidence of how effective this tool will anesthetize. Among experts, it is believed that alcohol blocks the activity of the drug, and sufficient action of the analgesic is not achieved.

One of the most dangerous consequences of taking Nimesil with alcohol is the opportunity not to detect such side effects of therapy as internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract due to intoxication. In the unconscious state, ignoring such a symptom can lead to death.

Nimesil after alcohol - harm

There are cases when after a feast there is a strong headache or worsening chronic diseases, accompanied by intense unpleasant sensations. Naturally, you need to quickly eliminate discomfort and often use Nimesil for this. It is important to remember that the gap between the last portion of alcoholic beverage, even non-strong, for example, beer, and taking the medicine should be at least 6 hours. During this time, most of the ethyl alcohol will be metabolized in the liver and removed from the bile and through the kidneys. Although the toxic effect of the formed acetaldehyde will still persist, it can not just as much enhance the similar effect of nimesulide, and the treatment of the pain syndrome will remain relatively safe. Nevertheless, it is recommended to replace the drug in question with a less toxic agent (Aspirin, Ibuprom) in order to avoid negative consequences for the liver.