Asparks - analogues

Asparks or its analogs are prescribed for various pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Medicines in this area have been very popular lately. And this is no accident, because a number of ailments concern heart problems.

Why appoint and what can replace Asparks?

In general, the treatment of ailments associated with the cardiovascular system occurs in a complex way. So, firstly, it implies an obligatory diet, which is prescribed by specialists. Secondly, it is extremely necessary to change your habitual rhythm of life. Thirdly, usually doctors prescribe medication, the most popular of which is Asparcum and analogues.

With the help of medications of this group, metabolic processes are regulated. In combination with other means - for example, with Diakarb - they can solve the problems of intracranial pressure and other ailments associated with the operation of the vascular system.

The active ingredients of the drug are magnesium and potassium asparaginate. They maintain the necessary balance of electrolytes in the body and restore lost useful trace elements. Taking Asparkam tablets or their analogs, you can normalize the rhythm of the heart and restore its normal performance in general. The main muscle starts to beat more calmly and smoothly, which reduces the possibility of developing a stroke or a heart attack.

How can you replace Asparks?

Often there are situations where Asparks can be found in pharmacies under other names:

In fact, all these drugs have the same effect on the body. Their main difference is the name of the manufacturer and the cost. You can buy medicines from this group at any pharmacy.

Differences between Panangin and Asparkam

Panangin is the original combination medicine, which contains magnesium and potassium. Patent for the creation of the drug acquired the corporation Gedeon Richter. Due to the correct ratio of components, Panangin actively promotes nutrition and strengthening of the heart. It is simply indispensable during the treatment of arrhythmia, heart failure or angina pectoris. It is often used for preventive purposes.

Aspartame is an analog of Panangin, which has the same properties. It also contains magnesium and potassium. Experts believe that to create such drugs, raw materials are used that have not the maximum degree of purification. This fact is directly related to the pricing of the drug.